Depending on the incident, you and your household could be on your own for days to weeks while first responders manage the aftermath. When disaster strikes, the most immediate help may come from those around you: building relationships with them today will mean a better response and faster recovery. NERP volunteers are committed to ensuring Bowen has resilient neighbourhoods. 

NERP Kiosk Project

Communication is critical in an emergency.  It is a possibility, that in the event of a major emergency, our existing forms of communication—phone, cell, internet, etc.—may be compromised or disabled. The kiosk project was initiated as a place where emergency information could be displayed if all other communication options failed.

Funded by the Bowen Island Community Foundation, NERP erected five emergency information kiosks. A collaborative agreement between the Municipality and NERP enabled the kiosks to be built on Municipal Land.

Kiosk Cates Park
Cates Hill Park

These kiosks contain emergency preparation information, emergency alerts, and evacuation maps. One side is left clear for neighbours to post personal information, missing dog, garage sale, etc

There is the possibility that the kiosks can be modified to allow storage for emergency equipment( AED, first aid kit, emergency manuals, communication devices, etc.)

Activities of NERP volunteers:

  1. To encourage Bowen Islanders to increase their level of preparedness in the event of an emergency (such as an earthquake, wildfire, or extended power outage).
  2. To increase neighbourhood self-sufficiency in an emergency or disaster by building collaborative neighbourhood preparedness at the grassroots level, so that neighbours can support one another when outside help is not available. 
  3. To share and disseminate information, for example training opportunities (First Aid, Rapid Damage Assessment, etc.), the importance of signing up for Alertable etc.

For further information on the roles of the NERPs on Bowen, take a quick look at the Roles and Responsibilities of a NERP volunteer overview, or a deep dive into the NERP Volunteer Manual

For more information on Neighbourhood Emergency Response Programs across the province, see BC’s Neighbourhood Preparedness Guide

Interested in Volunteering as a NERP?

Complete the Volunteer Form to get started. 

For information on the volunteer in your neighbourhood, please contact Edward Wachtman or Wilma Pretorius, NERP Co-Coordinators.