Emergency Program Executive Committee

The purpose of the Emergency Program Executive Committee (EPEC) is to provide oversight for and strategic direction to the Emergency Program. This committee is accountable to the municipal council, and makes recommendations with respect to preparation for, response to, and recovery from emergencies and disasters.


Councillor Sue Ellen Fast, Vice Chair
Gale Lyttle
Jennifer McGowan
Ed Wachtman
Councillor Alison Morse
Councillor John Saunders
Liam Edwards, Chief Administrative Officer
Aaron Hanen, Fire Chief
Tess Taylor, Emergency Program Coordinator

To contact all members of the Emergency Program Executive Committee, please email: epec@bimbc.ca.

To contact the Emergency Program Coordinator, please email: ttaylor@bimbc.ca.

To contact the Emergency Support Services Director, please email: boweness@bimbc.ca.

Agendas and Minutes



Note: The Emergency Program Management Committee was folded on November 25, 2019. Please go to the following links for agendas and minutes from EPMC meetings. 

Reference Documents

Video Recordings

BIM YouTube Channel