Pesticide Use Control Bylaw No. 556, 2021 was adopted on March 14, 2022. Pesticide use on outdoor trees, shrubs, flowers,ornamental gardens and plants, and turf on public or private lands within Bowen Island Municipality is prohibited.
The bylaw applies to properties used for residential purposes and municipally-owned public lands. It does not apply to:
- lands used for agriculture, forestry, transportation or public utilities;
- lands zoned commercial, industrial or institutional, and;
- Provincial and Metro Vancouver lands.
Why adopt a pesticide bylaw?
Residents of Bowen Island are concerned about the risks that pesticides pose to the health and well-being of the community and the environment. Pesticides contribute to the cumulative chemical load on the natural environment and within Bowen Island residents, and can move through the environment and impact non-target organisms and plants. Many effective alternatives to pesticides areavailable.
What is a pesticide?
Pesticides include all materials that are used toprevent, destroy, repel, attract or reduce pest organisms. Included are plant and fungus growth regulators, plant defoliators, plant desiccants and those defined in the Pest Control Products Act (Canada), and the Integrated Pest Management Act (British Columbia).
Pesticides are often sold under several trade names and some contain more than one active ingredient. Some examples include triclopyr, picloram, 2, 4-D and glyphosate.
What is allowed?
Exemptions under this bylaw include:
- use of pesticides authorized by a permit issued by Bowen Island Municipality,
- natural (non-synthetic) biological pest control,
- pesticides applied to the inside and outside of buildings,
- management of pests that transmit human disease, and
- treatment of some noxious weeds.
What are some common alternative solutions to common pest problems?

Pesticide Use Application
Apply now to use pesticides.