Are you planning to conduct development on your property? Development may include subdivision, site preparation, building, or even tree removal. A number of approvals or permits may be required to ensure that development is done safely and responsibly.
For more information on the process, please refer to the list below for links to application forms and guides. The development flowchart below can also assist you in following the process.

Looking for Building Permit Information? Visit the Building Permit Applications & Guides page.
Didn’t find the information you were looking for? Visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Application Forms & Guides
Prior to completing an application form and preparing your development application package, it is recommended to review the application guide for an overview of what to submit, what to expect during the application and where to find additional information.
Subdivision Application
Subdivision Approval
Lot Consolidation
If you want to amalgamate two or more properties, you will need to apply to the British Columbia Land Title Office.
Land Use Planning Applications
Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment
Land Use Bylaw Amendment (Rezoning)
Temporary Use Permit (TUP)
Development Applications
Development Variance Permit (DVP)
Board of Variance (BOV)
Development Permit (DP)
- Development Permit Guide
- Development Permit Application Form
- Environmental Assessment – Terms of Reference
- Village Revitalization Application Checklist
- Development Permit Brochure
Site Alteration Permit
Covenant Amendment
There is no covenant amendment guide, please contact the planning department directly with covenant questions.
Looking for a covenant? Property owners can contact the BC Land Title Office for copies of their covenants, easements and statutory rights-of-way at
BIM can also secure copies of covenants for property owners for a fee.
How to Apply
All applications are to be submitted in pdf format to Attachments are limited to 10 MB.
Payment Methods
You can pay by cash, debit, or cheque at Bowen Island Municipal Hall. Or you can pay directly to the Finance Department at You must reference your permit application number with your payment and can only do so once we’ve confirmed receipt of your application.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send e-transfer payments until you have received instructions specific to your application.
Additional Resources
Additional forms, policies or information that may be relevant to your application can be found below.
Public Notice Sign
Letter of Agency – Assign an Agent to Act on Your Behalf
BC Archaeological Information Request Form & Brochure
Site Disclosure Statement & Information
Green Shores Brochure
Active Design Information
Unsure about what may be involved or what permits you may need?
Contact the planning department at or 604-947-4255 ext. 6