Information about the candidates running for office in the 2018 local government election can be found below. The Nomination Period closed at 4:00 pm on September 14, 2018.
A Candidate Information Guide booklet was sent to all Bowen Island mailboxes and registered Non-Resident Property Electors on September 26th, 2018.
Download the Candidate Information Guide (PDF)
An All Candidates Meeting was held on Saturday, September 29th at the BICS gym.
In alphabetic order
One (1) to be elected.
Gary Ander
Melanie Mason
Gary Ander
Running for Mayor

Captain, Air Canada (retired)
Family and Bowen Island:
A full time resident for the last 25 years and prior to that a part time resident for the previous 23 years. Gary has a deep passion for island living and a wealth of knowledge on Bowen Island issues.
Gary was born in Vancouver and first introduced to Bowen by his wife Teal whose family has been part of Bowen for more than 100 years. During the early years of their marriage they lived part-time on Bowen and dreamed about one day living here permanently. Their dream was realized when they finally moved into a new home at Cowans Point in 1993.
Gary is the proud father of five amazing children who grew up building forts in the woods and swimming at the beach in the summer. Their family home is still the gathering place for his children, their spouses and five grand children.
Gary retired from Air Canada in 2010 after 35 years as a captain, at the age of 60. During his years on Bowen he was also a partner in a successful contracting company and built and renovated numerous homes for Bowen residents. Currently he enjoys contracting on a part-time basis.
Community Involvement:
Gary has been actively involved in the Bowen community for over 25 years. He was elected to serve on Council four years ago and has volunteered for numerous committees and commission appointments.
He currently serves on 7 municipal committees, the board of Smoothstones, Helping Hands (branch of Bowen Foundation) and has been president of the South Bowen Community Association for 20+ years. In the past he has volunteered countless hours to Tiggywinkles Preschool, BICS, IPS and the Knick Knack Nook.
He has helped out with Bowen Baseball and can frequently be found flipping burgers at ball games.
Gary is a collaborative team player and natural leader with a positive can-do attitude and a common sense approach. He feels very strongly that through our inevitable period of growth that we must be very cautious to not lose what makes Bowen – “Bowen”! A measured, balanced approach to all aspects of governance, that above all else, maintains the sanctity of our precious, natural Bowen Island and the caring, passionate community within.
He looks forward to the opportunity to serve the Bowen Island community as Mayor for the next four years.
Melanie Mason
Running for Mayor

As your mayoral candidate, I will bring my collaborative leadership and deep love of our beautiful Island to work for a sustainable and liveable community. I am committed to build on the work of council to date and the work I began as a municipal councillor last term.
I will bring my signature energy and passion to the following key issues:
Housing Diversity and Affordability
Our housing needs are diverse and pressing. By diversifying our housing options through comprehensive planning and appropriate rezoning, we can work in partnership with senior government, local non-profits, and local developers to bring forward solutions that balance conservation with appropriate opportunities for growth in our community.
Community Infrastructure:
Solid progress on the Community Centre, the new Fire Hall, the Cove Bay Water Treatment Plant and municipal support for a medical clinic were made during our last term. Let’s continue to build on the groundwork to date, see these projects through to completion, and plan next steps for the future.
All of us need safe, convenient, and affordable options to move around—both on and off the island. I will continue to work to implement the newly adopted Transportation Master Plan by improving the pedestrian/cycling connectivity of our neighborhoods, bus service improvements and to ensure that our ferry service meets the ongoing demands of our ferry dependant community.
We all cherish the natural beauty of Bowen Island and I will work to ensure no industrial-scale logging on Crown Land.
Council Achievements:
- Council champion for the completion and implementation of Bowen Island’s first Transportation Master Plan. This has resulted in regional/provincial funding for the cross island multi-use path, as well as school transportation planning.
- Ongoing advocacy with Translink for improved transit, which has resulted in a dynamic bus pilot project, as well as improved connections at Horseshoe Bay. Worked with BC Ferries to secure additional weekend sailings.
- Council advocate for the Bowen Bike Park project, by supporting municipal land allocation and identifying regional funding.
- Member of the Community Centre Steering committee, which is working to build this vital community gathering space.
- Certificate for Local Government Leadership for my experience gained while on council.
Professional experience:
I am a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) professional with close to a decade of experience working in the urban planning, environmental, and renewable-energy sectors. Before coming to Bowen, I was an Associate Director for a town planning firm in the United Kingdom and gained additional environmental project experience while working at the Port of London Authority and the United Nations Environment Program – World Conservation Monitoring Centre.
I’m a mother of two young children who attend Bowen Island Community School. My husband commutes to town daily and we live in a small 780 sq ft cottage near Snug Cove. As such, I am intimately familiar with the many challenges and rewards of living on Bowen.
Please feel free to email me at, text or call my mobile at 778 995 0215
In alphabetic order
Six (6) to be elected.
Robin Burger
Sue Ellen Fast
David Hocking
Michael Kaile
Alison Morse
Maureen Nicholson
Lawrence Phillips
Peter Williamson
Rob Wynen
Robin Burger
Running for Councillor

I am running for council because we need strong, progressive, equitable and compassionate leadership represented on council. We need someone with extensive local knowledge and experience familiar with and willing to take on the many challenges that face our community and to encourage and promote community involvement in local government decision-making. Our community also needs to ensure municipal leadership that works together for a healthy social, economically and environmentally sustainable place to live for all, now and into the future.
I love Bowen Island and it has been my home for the past 28 years. Both my sons grew up here. I have lived, worked and volunteered on the island, commuted for employment and university, with an understanding of the implications of all of this while raising a family. I have a long-term commitment and dedication to addressing housing concerns in our community.
I have volunteered in a leadership role in housing on Bowen for over 25 years and was a founding member and Chair of the Bowen Community Housing Association (BCHA). The BCHA were key contributors to all of our current municipal housing policies. Many community based housing related initiatives and policy developments can be attributed to the BCHA some of which include: Bowen Island Symposium (Report); Bowen Island Needs Assessment; Diverse Housing for a Diverse Community (Draft Bowen Island Housing Strategy); BCHA were key stakeholder participants in the Bowen Island Secondary Suites By-Law and the Bowen Island Affordable Housing Policy #08-3; the Official Community Plan Update By-Law #282-2010 was a recommendation from the Bowen Island Symposium. I served on the Bowen Island Municipality Secondary Suites Task Force and was the only applicant for the previously proposed Municipal Housing Corporation.
In 2012 I received a BA (Psychology) from SFU and a MA in Community Psychology (Adler University) in 2016. My MA thesis entitled “Policy Advocacy for Affordable Housing on Bowen Island” was written as a study of Bowen Island’s affordable housing policy development to add to the research to benefit our community and other rural communities across Canada. I received a Finalist Award in Housing from the Women Transforming Cities International Conference for my MA Community Practicum project. My MA Community Development practicum included policy research with staff of the Bowen Island Municipality. The municipality and the new affordable housing group on the island have used my housing research. My employment background is with the Vancouver School Board and working with vulnerable populations.
As a council member I would support planning based on process ensuring community needs and participation, work to support and promote local businesses, and to protect our island’s environment. I would also work toward continued municipal fiscal responsibility, transparency, and respectful community consultation.
With my experience, expertise and historical perspective I feel confident that I can make a difference for our community on Bowen Island’s municipal council.
Phone: 604-290-1472 or 604-947-0647
Robin Burger Nomination Papers
Sue Ellen Fast
Running for Councillor and Islands Trust Municipal Trustee

I love Bowen and have been deeply involved in community life here, contributing to and leading various projects and committees. In 1992 I began as a daily commuter and renter, and have been an island-dweller for over 25 years now. My husband and I raised our son on Bowen and we run our consulting company from our home, near Collins Farm. Maybe you have seen us on the trails where we walk daily with binoculars, cameras and dog.
Serving the last four years as municipal councillor has been a positive and challenging experience, and an honour. Besides regular council meetings and items I bring to that agenda, I have served on committees ranging from internet to emergency planning, sewer to climate action, and communications to transportation. I also chair the Parks Trails and Greenways committee and serve on the library board, Howe Sound Ocean Watch task force, and was invited to join the BC Municipal Climate Leadership Council. Lots of work, but rewarding.
Islands Trust: To be part of the federation of islands in the Salish Sea “entrusted” with the mission to protect this special part of the world is wonderful. I see it as a sort of greenbelt between Metro Vancouver and southern Vancouver Island. I have relished the opportunity to protect the trust area’s beauty, wildlife and unique island communities through Trust Council, and look forward to doing more.
OCP: Before the last election, I chaired the Official Community Plan steering committee. I’m proud of the work we did in leading such an open collaborative process with high community input.
Conservation: We are so fortunate to live in a community where trails, parks and beaches are so highly valued. By working closely with others, and thinking carefully about where and how connections could be made, I have helped to protect nature and access to it.
Agriculture: I have enjoyed helping Collinsia Farm continue to produce vegetables and berries. Today families share the work and the produce with farm owners.
Public education: These days I provide professional advice on all aspects of visitor experience planning, nature learning and planet-friendly stewardship. Some career highlights:
- conservation learning programs in urban greenways: Edmonton, Toronto, Calgary, Ottawa
- wrote and hosted Nature Walk television series, across North and Central America
- thousands of hours connecting children and families to nature outdoors – what fun
Connecting with Bowen Islanders of all ages and introducing them to this remarkable place that we get to call home is a delight.
Future: I hope Bowen will look much the same, from the air at least. Lots of trees, nature and wildlife, including herons and whales; all sorts of people active in community life and on the trails and beaches. This vision is similar to the one in our official community plan, shared by many islanders. Nature and Community. A small, friendly, caring community, sharing a unique island lifestyle and supported by well-protected natural ecosystems. That’s what I’m working toward.
Sue Ellen Fast Nomination Papers
David Hocking
Running for Councillor
David Hocking is running for Bowen Island Municipal Council to serve the community and deliver action on issues he has focused on as a volunteer: Housing, transportation, and protecting our natural areas.
Council Priorities
If elected, David will focus on:
Providing attainable, diverse housing in and around Snug Cove for workers, singles, elders, and families with children. Unlock the potential of our Community Lands by engaging with potential partners, including home builders, senior governments and housing non-profits.
Delivering safer, more convenient transportation choices on and off Bowen—including improved bus service and a cross-island multi-use pathway.
Protecting forests and natural areas
Working with other levels of government to eliminate the threat of industrial logging on our Crown Lands, and ensuring new developments leave intact large and connected natural areas.
Further, if elected, David will advance the priorities articulated in the Bowen Island Community Foundation’s 2017 Vital Conversations, the 2018 Island Survey, and the Community Lands workshop—including a health centre, varied and affordable housing, and improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
Approach to Governing
David believes we must:
- Respect the work of volunteers.
- Support efforts to strengthen and diversify the economy.
- Spend taxpayers’ money sparingly to ensure BIM’s financial health.
- Use our irreplaceable Community Lands wisely for highest public benefit.
- Reduce our contribution to climate change, while preparing for its impacts.
Volunteer Experience
David has extensive and diverse volunteer experience, including:
- Chair, Bowen Island Municipal Transportation Advisory Committee.
- Chair, Bowen Island Municipal Environment and Climate Action Advisory Committee.
- Member, Bowen Island Municipal Advisory Planning Commission.
- Member of the team that developed Bowen Island’s new Transportation Master Plan.
- Cofounder of Bowen Transportation Society, working to ensure the Bowen Island Express Bus (aka “Peter King Bus”) becomes a permanent service for commuters.
- Member of the team that organized the recent public workshop on the future of the Community Lands.
- Member, Steering Committee, Defend Island Forests, which successfully opposed plans to log Bowen Island’s Crown Lands in 2017.
Professional Experience
David has decades of experience as a senior manager in the private sector (Petro-Canada), non-profit sector (David Suzuki Foundation), and government (Metro-Vancouver). In earlier years, he was a school teacher and athletic coach.
From 2005 to 2008, David served on Bowen Municipal Council, and was Council’s Metro Vancouver Director and member of TransLink’s Mayor’s Committee.
Semi-retired, David currently consults on special projects, including Metro Vancouver’s Climate 2050 and the National Zero Waste Council’s Food Waste Reduction Strategy. He is organizing an international conference to address plastic pollution in our oceans.
David and his wife, Heather Prittie, first moved to Bowen Island in 1995. He enjoys cycling, boating and food gardening, likes to keep a well-stocked woodshed, and tries to improve his tennis. The couple’s four children and their families live in Victoria, Gibsons, and Vancouver.
David Hocking Nomination Papers
Michael Kaile
Running for Councillor and Islands Trust Municipal Trustee

On a perfect August day in the summer of 2005 Diana and I visited friends on Bowen Island. From that moment, we knew this is the place we wanted to call home moving here permanently in early 2006. Since then I have developed a deep love for our community. Involvement in friendly and welcoming groups such as Bowen’s Golf Club and Garden Club has enhanced my devotion to our island.
Having gained a lifetime of experience in the hospitality and tourism industries understanding the benefits and challenges it brings, I felt ready in 2014 to contribute my knowledge and management skills directly to Bowen’s need for sensitive, balanced economic development and, equally, to sustaining our diversity and ecological character. That year I was given the privilege of serving on Council.
We came to Canada in 1982 after launching a Renaissance hotel in Bangkok. In 1992 I opened the Waterfront Centre in downtown Vancouver, especially significant as it provided an opportunity to join the Board of Tourism Vancouver. I was later transferred to Bermuda, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kenya also nearly two years at the Chateau Whistler, providing further insight into our Province. Upon return from the middle East, I spent nearly four years commuting daily as CEO of the Terminal City in Vancouver. I understand what it is to commute and the stresses involved.
Over 35 years in the worldwide hotel industry has provided more than a solid business background. Most importantly, the experience gained in culturally different countries, with many nationalities and religions, has given me keen awareness of the sensitivity and understanding needed to deal with complex and potentially contentious issues. A manager, in such situations, cannot dictate; rather he or she must operate diplomatically – learning how to get the job done by adapting to cultural and philosophical differences.
I appreciate the many challenges and the multitude of opinions that face our small community, while recognizing a correspondingly small budget. The last four years have taught me that issues we deal with may appear simple on the surface when, in fact, they are complex and deeply interconnected. My commitment has been to look at each of these issues based upon merits — not ideology — with a totally independent mindset, free of any allegiances.
Serving the last term has provided me with insight into the municipal business processes. In order to relieve our excellent Muni staff from unnecessary pressure and duplication of priorities, simplifying and streamlining these processes to become more efficient needs to be ongoing. My time spent on the committees focused on housing, finance, human resources, internet connectivity, economic development and Snug Cove — combined with nearly four years of regular municipal meetings — has allowed me an involvement in community service and, an opportunity to meet and work with many Islanders.
If you are looking for a pragmatic and independent approach, focussed on getting things done, then I welcome your much needed support. Please contact me at (604) 765-3052, or
Michael Kaile Nomination Papers
Alison Morse
Running for Councillor and Islands Trust Municipal Trustee

I have served on Council and the Islands Trust for several terms which has been an honour and a privilege as well as a great experience. I am seeking re-election as a Councillor and Municipal Trustee.
Many projects are in process that I want to focus on to see them happen such as the new fire hall, the community centre, the health centre and more affordable and diverse housing. I would also encourage the development of an asset management plan, sale of some community lands, recognition of Bowen as rural by other levels of government, continued work on derelict/problem vessels, transportation alternatives and the protection of our Crown lands.
I currently sit on several Committees: Finance Advisory, Human Resources, Fire Hall Facilities (Chair), Community Center, Ferry Advisory and six of the seven Water System Local Advisory Committees.
I have served on the Transportation Advisory and Economic Development Committees, the Bowen Municipal Budgeting Policies and Procedures Task Force, and the Affordable Housing and Snug Cove Master Plan Working Groups. I’ve been a member of the North Shore Substance Abuse Working Group, Metro Vancouver’s Small Communities Policing and Regional Parks Committees, and as the alternate representative for the Translink Mayors Council.
As a Municipal Trustee I serve on the Trust’s Financial Planning and Audit Committees and was a member of the Victoria Office Location Review Committee and the Governance Task Force.
I have a long tradition of community volunteering including the Tourism Bowen Island Board, the People, Plants and Places Committee and First Credit Union’s Bowen Branch’s Advisory Committee. Prior to being elected to Council I was vice chair of the Bowen Island Parks and Recreation Commission and the Restructure Committee and a board member of the Bowen Island Golf Assoc.
Professionally, I am an FCPA-FCA (Chartered Professional Accountant) and before retiring was a partner in an international accountancy firm, specializing in taxation and estate planning. I was President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC, a Governor of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and Vice Chair of the BC Budget Process Review Panels.
I have a well-established record of being thorough and well prepared, with a good understanding of not just the issues, but their Bowen history – which can be a crucial factor! I’m independent, open minded and bring a balanced voice to the table along with my community and business experience. I want Council to consider all views and reach thoughtful, creative and practical made on Bowen solutions/decisions based on the best available evidence.
Alan and I moved to Bowen in 1996 with our two sons William and Jonathan. They now have young families so we are proud grandparents of three wonderful grandchildren.
Bowen is a unique island within the Islands Trust with a special mandate. I am committed to Bowen, and, like all of us, love the waters that surround us, the natural green space and our small, caring community. I would appreciate your vote so I can continue to serve as a Bowen Councillor and Municipal Trustee.
Alison Morse Nomination Papers
Maureen Nicholson
Running for Councillor

I’m a current councillor, a 13-year island resident, and live mid-island with my husband. An immigrant to this country, I was born in Glasgow, Scotland, to a working-class family that believed in the value of education and hard work.
Before my election to municipal council in 2014, I was vice-chair of the library board, a founding member of Bowen Islanders for Ferry Fairness, an organizer for Stop the Docks, a board member of Bowen Heritage, and a member of the National Park Community Advisory Committee.
By trade, I’m an editor and the owner of Trelowarren Texts, a writing and editing services small business established in 1991. I hold a BA (English and Psychology) and MA (English) from SFU, and trained in magazine and book publishing at the Banff Centre for the Arts. I was instrumental in the development of the Editors’ Association of Canada’s national certification program, served as president of the association, and was awarded life membership and Certified Professional Editor (hon) standing.
I’ve taught writing and communication in post-secondary institutions including Royal Roads, SFU, and UBC, and now chair the Douglas College Communications Department. I commute and telecommute to my full-time job at Douglas College. In an earlier life, I coordinated university-level liberal arts education programs in federal prisons for men and in First Nations
I’m accustomed to reading large volumes of complex material (including financial statements), listening, thinking, working collaboratively, and meeting deadlines. These have proven to be good skills in a councillor.
This term, my responsibilities included
- Chair, Communications Team
- Chair, Snug Cove Improvements Working Group
- Chair, now Co-Chair, Heritage Commission
- Committee Member, Economic Development, Emergency Executive, Internet Connectivity, Community Lands, Community Centre Communications, On-Island Composting
- Member of the new committees on Housing and on Environment and Climate Action
- Organizer, Climate Conversation series
- Organizer, Bowen Housing series
- Editor for several publications, including the Bowen Island community profile, newcomer guide, and the Community Lands workshop report
- Board Member, Metro Vancouver Regional District
- Vice-Chair, Metro Vancouver Regional Culture Subcommittee
- Committee Member, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks
In the coming term, I expect Council and staff to focus on
- capital projects (fire hall, community centre, water treatment)
- housing projects and partnerships (BIRCH, BC Housing)
- transportation infrastructure
In addition, if elected, I want to
- continue to enhance municipal communication and engagement
- plan for improved infrastructure (roads, water, and sewer)
- secure “rural” recognition from other levels of government to increase external funding support for local infrastructure projects
- help develop council and staff capacity to quickly respond to funding and partnership opportunities
- continue to work on policy development to enable housing and other community initiatives
- help protect green space through conservation development principles, park expansion and enhancement (including Davies Orchard), and no industrial-scale logging on Crown land
I would appreciate your support so that I can continue to contribute to our community.
Maureen Nicholson Nomination Papers
Lawrence Phillips
Running for Councillor

We, as a community, have an important decision to make. Do we want to be a bedroom community for the wealthy, or do we want a vibrant, diverse community, that supports individuals of varying backgrounds and income levels? Over the last few years countless families have left our island due to a lack of affordable housing, while others struggle finding homes in which to live. I know the reality of packing up your children and moving to a new home year after year. Watching more of your pay cheque go to cover the roof over your head as rents have rapidly increased. We moved our children 4 times in 5 years. Our monthly housing cost rose from $1200 to $2400. I stand with all in our community who have had to, and continue to, try and find a way to call Bowen home.
Fifteen years ago, I moved to Bowen, with my then girlfriend. We borrowed a panel van, moved into a little cottage and started our life here on Bowen. Since that day, we have married, had two children, and have found jobs we love. Just over two years ago, we were fortunate to buy a falling down 1970’s A-frame, that costs us every penny we have. Every day I count myself lucky to live here, work here, and raise my children here. We should not be some of the last people to be afforded that opportunity.
If elected, I will work to amend the secondary suite bylaw to include smaller properties. I will work to halt the sale and rezoning of community lands, asses the need for housing and commence construction of non-market, 1,2, and 3-bedroom, rental homes. We are currently talking about taking out a $2,000,000.00 loan for a community center. We approved a $3,000,000.00 loan for a new firehall. We can take out a loan, and through rental and other tax models, cover the costs of said loan. It’s all about priorities. What’s our priority as a community? I believe it should be maintaining a diverse population. How will we continue to staff our grocery stores, gas station, restaurants, and boutiques, if we don’t provide stable, affordable housing? Together, we can prove, that in one of the most affluent areas of the world, we care about each other, and we believe in providing stable, long term, housing for multiple demographics. A diverse community is stronger community.
My wife and I, go to work every day to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I believe in fighting for working people. I believe in standing together and fighting for what is better for all of us, not just the wealthy few. I am asking for your support, because I am just like you and I think we should be making the decisions about how our community should and should not be run. If I am fortunate enough to represent this community, I will be a progressive voice. One who approaches every question, every item, that comes before council, from a progressive view point. Someone who will always consider the working people of our island.
Lawrence Phillips Nomination Papers
Peter Williamson
Running for Councillor and Islands Trust Municipal Trustee

Bowen Island is changing and we face a growing challenge to preserve the natural beauty and the access to nature which drew most of us to live here. Bowen needs a greater mix of housing and a more diverse economy. I support efforts to increase lower cost opportunities for home ownership and the supply of affordable rental accommodation. At the same time, I am mindful of the limits to what the island can reasonably sustain.
I was born in South Africa and later lived in Australia. I undertook graduate studies in environmental science and earned a PhD in economic geography researching economic development on an island in Southeast Asia. After a few years in research, I became a freelance writer and photographer. My background, studies, and work have led me to seek a balance between conservation and economic development. My wife, Tamsin, and I moved to Bowen in 2003. I now help her with with her legal practice and this gives me some understanding of the challenge of running a small business from Bowen.
Since moving to Bowen I have been active in environmental organizations and on municipal committees. I am a board member of the Bowen Island Arts Council, working to enhance the arts in Bowen’s community life and develop opportunities for artists. The arts are vital to our economy, creating employment and enriching our lives; a seat on Council will allow me to work to deliver a multi-use community hall that will, amongst other uses for the community, provide a space for the performing arts. My vision for Bowen is one of a sustainable community in which people have more opportunities to pursue rewarding work on the island and where islanders of all ages can find the services they need. The talents of our artists, entrepreneurs and tech workers are integral to a more vibrant economy. We need to reap the benefits of our proximity to Vancouver while maintaining our distinct lifestyle and natural environment.
Land development for housing should contribute to the network of parks and trails; much of this should be within walking distance of Snug Cove. We must continue to expand public transport on the island and improve our links from Horseshoe Bay into Vancouver and the North Shore.
I am seeking a seat on Council to promote these goals. I am also seeking a seat as an Islands Trust Municipal Trustee where I will work with this larger federation of islands to advocate for the protection of our environment and our way of life in the Salish Sea.
Peter Williamson Nomination Papers
Rob Wynen
Running for Councillor

A bit about me. I live on a small farm on the north end of Killarney lake with my wife and our son, who attends Rockridge Secondary. My sister and brother-in-law, and two year old niece also live on island. When not working as a health consultant I can be found attending to our chickens, still mastering my chain sawing skills, kayaking the north end of the island and hiking through the woods. I volunteer as a member of the BOWFEST board, organize and marshal our yearly parade, Vice Chair of Bowen’s Transportation Advisory Committee and sit on the Ferry Advisory Committee.
Why I want to be on council. I have served on boards and have been involved in community-building activities since the mid-90s. I enjoy being part of a group that helps to better my community. My past activities have included forming the West End Residents Association, chairing committees involved in transportation, parent advisory, and sustainability initiatives. I feel I have a strong skillset in connecting people to bring about community change. In 2011, I was elected to the Vancouver School Board. Having served in a political position, I greatly appreciate the importance of having broad connections with people from many walks of life (how else would you make good decisions with the entire community in mind?). Serving in an elected position also gave me the skills to effectively bring community initiatives and ideas from the drawing board to implementation. I feel that my outgoing, approachable and honest personality will serve me well on council. I will bring a creative and practical perspective to our council table.
Why now? In speaking with many long time Bowen residents one theme seems to keep coming up: that Bowen is changing faster than ever. We currently have about 3,600 year round residents, which almost doubles in the summer. Our population growth rate is nearly double that of Metro Vancouver, our taxes increased by more than 8% last year, and our housing costs are at an all-time high while housing availability is at an all-time low. Our ferry is operating at its maximum capacity and our roads are getting increasingly busy creating safety issues for those on foot, bike, horse and scooter. We need to face these issues in a proactive and innovative manner. We live in such a unique place, one that deserves good governance and creative solutions to the rapidly changing world around us.
I am very excited to be running in this municipal election and hope to get your support. It is a great honour to serve one’s community in an elected capacity and I will not take this position lightly or for granted. I will put in my time, listen to the community and make decisions that are well thought out, informed and in the best interest of Bowenites. If you have any questions for me, my stance on issues, some projects I would like to move forward or just want to get to know me better, please don’t hesitate to email me at or you can reach me by phone, 604 788-2758. I am also on facebook or if you want to see the projects I have worked on over the years please google my name.
Bowen Island Municipality is a member of the Islands Trust, a unique federation of local governments serving islands in the Salish Sea. The Islands Trust is responsible for preserving and protecting the islands’ unique amenities and environment. For further information regarding the Islands Trust, visit their website at
Bowen Island elects two (2) members of Council to serve as Municipal Trustees. The two candidates on the ballot for the Municipal Trustee for the Islands Trust receiving the highest and second highest number of votes and who are elected to Council will be appointed Islands Trust Municipal Trustees.
In alphabetic order
Two (2) to be elected.
Sue Ellen Fast
Michael Kaile
Alison Morse
Peter Williamson
Sue Ellen Fast
Running for Councillor and Islands Trust Municipal Trustee

I love Bowen and have been deeply involved in community life here, contributing to and leading various projects and committees. In 1992 I began as a daily commuter and renter, and have been an island-dweller for over 25 years now. My husband and I raised our son on Bowen and we run our consulting company from our home, near Collins Farm. Maybe you have seen us on the trails where we walk daily with binoculars, cameras and dog.
Serving the last four years as municipal councillor has been a positive and challenging experience, and an honour. Besides regular council meetings and items I bring to that agenda, I have served on committees ranging from internet to emergency planning, sewer to climate action, and communications to transportation. I also chair the Parks Trails and Greenways committee and serve on the library board, Howe Sound Ocean Watch task force, and was invited to join the BC Municipal Climate Leadership Council. Lots of work, but rewarding.
Islands Trust: To be part of the federation of islands in the Salish Sea “entrusted” with the mission to protect this special part of the world is wonderful. I see it as a sort of greenbelt between Metro Vancouver and southern Vancouver Island. I have relished the opportunity to protect the trust area’s beauty, wildlife and unique island communities through Trust Council, and look forward to doing more.
OCP: Before the last election, I chaired the Official Community Plan steering committee. I’m proud of the work we did in leading such an open collaborative process with high community input.
Conservation: We are so fortunate to live in a community where trails, parks and beaches are so highly valued. By working closely with others, and thinking carefully about where and how connections could be made, I have helped to protect nature and access to it.
Agriculture: I have enjoyed helping Collinsia Farm continue to produce vegetables and berries. Today families share the work and the produce with farm owners.
Public education: These days I provide professional advice on all aspects of visitor experience planning, nature learning and planet-friendly stewardship. Some career highlights:
- conservation learning programs in urban greenways: Edmonton, Toronto, Calgary, Ottawa
- wrote and hosted Nature Walk television series, across North and Central America
- thousands of hours connecting children and families to nature outdoors – what fun
Connecting with Bowen Islanders of all ages and introducing them to this remarkable place that we get to call home is a delight.
Future: I hope Bowen will look much the same, from the air at least. Lots of trees, nature and wildlife, including herons and whales; all sorts of people active in community life and on the trails and beaches. This vision is similar to the one in our official community plan, shared by many islanders. Nature and Community. A small, friendly, caring community, sharing a unique island lifestyle and supported by well-protected natural ecosystems. That’s what I’m working toward.
Sue Ellen Fast Nomination Papers
Michael Kaile
Running for Councillor and Islands Trust Municipal Trustee

On a perfect August day in the summer of 2005 Diana and I visited friends on Bowen Island. From that moment, we knew this is the place we wanted to call home moving here permanently in early 2006. Since then I have developed a deep love for our community. Involvement in friendly and welcoming groups such as Bowen’s Golf Club and Garden Club has enhanced my devotion to our island.
Having gained a lifetime of experience in the hospitality and tourism industries understanding the benefits and challenges it brings, I felt ready in 2014 to contribute my knowledge and management skills directly to Bowen’s need for sensitive, balanced economic development and, equally, to sustaining our diversity and ecological character. That year I was given the privilege of serving on Council.
We came to Canada in 1982 after launching a Renaissance hotel in Bangkok. In 1992 I opened the Waterfront Centre in downtown Vancouver, especially significant as it provided an opportunity to join the Board of Tourism Vancouver. I was later transferred to Bermuda, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kenya also nearly two years at the Chateau Whistler, providing further insight into our Province. Upon return from the middle East, I spent nearly four years commuting daily as CEO of the Terminal City in Vancouver. I understand what it is to commute and the stresses involved.
Over 35 years in the worldwide hotel industry has provided more than a solid business background. Most importantly, the experience gained in culturally different countries, with many nationalities and religions, has given me keen awareness of the sensitivity and understanding needed to deal with complex and potentially contentious issues. A manager, in such situations, cannot dictate; rather he or she must operate diplomatically – learning how to get the job done by adapting to cultural and philosophical differences.
I appreciate the many challenges and the multitude of opinions that face our small community, while recognizing a correspondingly small budget. The last four years have taught me that issues we deal with may appear simple on the surface when, in fact, they are complex and deeply interconnected. My commitment has been to look at each of these issues based upon merits — not ideology — with a totally independent mindset, free of any allegiances.
Serving the last term has provided me with insight into the municipal business processes. In order to relieve our excellent Muni staff from unnecessary pressure and duplication of priorities, simplifying and streamlining these processes to become more efficient needs to be ongoing. My time spent on the committees focused on housing, finance, human resources, internet connectivity, economic development and Snug Cove — combined with nearly four years of regular municipal meetings — has allowed me an involvement in community service and, an opportunity to meet and work with many Islanders.
If you are looking for a pragmatic and independent approach, focussed on getting things done, then I welcome your much needed support. Please contact me at (604) 765-3052, or
The School District #45 Trustee Election is administered through the District of West Vancouver.