Notice of Public Hearing
5:15 PM on Monday, April 8, 2019
in Council Chambers
Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island
RZ-02-2017 – 431 Bowen Island Trunk Road
Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 461, 2018
Project Description
431 Bowen Island Trunk Road (shown on map) is the site of the Union Steamship Marina. The marina has applied to amend the Land Use Bylaw for permission to build up to 6 floating buildings and up to 16 dwelling units to house marina staff. The buildings would be governed by a Housing Agreement requiring that the units be available for Bowen workers from May to September.

More information at Municipal Hall
The proposed bylaw and background material may be viewed on this page below, or at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).
Your comments are welcome
Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall:
- In person
- By mail to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N1G2
- By fax to 604-947-0193
- By email to
Submissions may also be made to Mayor and Council at the public hearing. To ensure a fair process, submissions cannot be accepted once the Public Hearing has ended.
Please contact Daniel Martin, Manager of Planning and Development at 604-947-4255 or by email at
Background information

March 11, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting
RES#19-137 | It was Moved and Seconded That Bylaw No. 480, 2019 cited as “Union Steamship Marina Housing Agreement, Authorization Bylaw, No.480, 2019” be read a first time; That Council receive the Sewer Covenant for information; and That Council refer Bylaw No. 461, 2018 to a Public Hearing. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
January 28, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting
RES#19-50 | It was Moved and Seconded That Bylaw No. 461, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 461, 2018” be read a second time as amended; and That Council direct staff to prepare a draft Housing Agreement and Sewer Covenant based on the conditions outlined in the January 18, 2019 report from the Manager of Planning and Development, for consideration prior to Public Hearing. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
November 13, 2018 – Regular Council Meeting
RES#18-463 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council rescind First and Second Reading of Bylaw No. 461, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 461, 2018″; That Bylaw No. 461, 2018 be read a first time as amended; That Council refer Bylaw No. 461 to the Islands Trust, the Advisory Planning Commission, the Housing Advisory Committee, and the Snug Cove Sewer Local Management Committee; and That Council direct staff to report back at second reading to address Council’s concerns relating to sewage management and treatment for the proposed units. |
July 23, 2018 – Regular Council Meeting
RES#18-344 | It was Moved and Seconded That Bylaw No. 461, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 461, 2018” be read a second time as amended; and That Council refer Bylaw No. 461, 2018 to a Public Hearing. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
April 23, 2018 – Regular Council Meeting
RES#18-182 | It was Moved and Seconded That the Manager of Planning and Development be directed to amend Bylaw 461, 2018 to remove Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 399, 2015-Schedule A. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#18-183 | It was Moved and Seconded That the Manager of Planning and Development be directed to amend Bylaw 461, 2018, Item 3.2 a. “Maximum number of float duplexes” to six (6) and Item 3.2 b. “Maximum number of dwelling units in float duplexes” to twelve (12). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#18-184 | It was Moved and Seconded That Bylaw No. 461, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 461, 2018” be read a first time; That Council refer Bylaw No. 461 2018 to the Islands Trust, The Advisory Planning Commission, the Economic Development Committee, and Vancouver Coastal Health; and That Council direct the applicant to hold a public open house to receive public input with regard to these bylaws prior to consideration of second reading of Bylaw No. 461, 2018. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
October 10, 2017 – Regular Council Meeting
RES#17-360 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council refer application RZ-02-2017 to the Advisory Planning Commission and the Economic Development Committee; and That Council direct staff to prepare a bylaw to amend the Land Use Bylaw to allow for the development proposal presented by Mr. Rondy Dike outlined in the October 10, 2017 meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
October 13, 2017 – Excerpt from the Economic Development Meeting Minutes
Daniel Martin, Island Community Planner, provided a council report,Council referral resolution, referral letter and presentation regarding rezoning and OCP amendment application for 431 Bowen Island Trunk Road. The applicant was applying to amend the Water Commercial (WC) 1(a) (Marina) zoning to allow an increase from three to nine floating homes.
Discussion ensued relevant to:
- Being clear about rental restrictions in the Housing Agreement and Tenancy Agreement
- Rental rates would be regulated by owner’s motivation to house staff
- Potential for renter vulnerability when employer and landlord are the same
- Industrial Camps Regulations Law under the Health Act could also inform agreements in addition to the Residential Tenancy Act
The Committee provided the following comments to staff:
- That tenants be employees of Bowen based businesses: at the USSC Marina or other Bowen businesses
- That the rental rates be affordable and capped in relation to Metro Vancouver or be linked to wages by a percentage calculation
- That there be a possible mix of free market and restricted rental
- That conversion to commercial in the future be prohibited
- That local workers are hired to build where possible
May 23, 2018 – Advisory Planning Commission
It was Moved and Seconded That the Advisory Planning Commission support the allowance of up to six additional floating buildings containing up to 12 units at 431 Bowen Island Trunk Road with the following recommendation: That construction, should the rezoning be successful, include application for a building permit and compliance with the BC Float Home Standards including compliance with the current version of the BC Building Code. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
It was Moved and Seconded That the Advisory Planning Commission recommend that the proponent of the 431 Bowen Island Trunk Road rezoning application enter into a Housing Agreement with Bowen Island Municipality which stipulates that the float home units will be for the exclusive use of Bowen Island workers from April 1st to September 30th annually; and. That the Advisory Planning Commission support the use of the floating buildings as commercial guest accommodation through the remaining winter season. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
It was Moved and Seconded That the Advisory Planning Commission recommend that BIM Bylaw 461, 2018 be amended to comply with BC Float Home Standards including the Public Health Act Sewerage System Regulation. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
December 3, 2018 – Advisory Planning Commission Meeting
It was Moved and Seconded That the Advisory Planning Commission recommend that Council approve Bylaw 461, 2018 with the following recommendations: That staff review the method by which building height is measured with a preference that it be measured from the deck, not the water level, for ease of consistent measuring; That staff review whether building height limits be amended; That staff review the possibility of alternative Building Code compliance for the construction of the floating buildings; and, That staff amend the definition of “floating attached dwelling” to read “containing two to four dwelling units”. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
October 16, 2017 – Advisory Planning Commission
It was Moved and Seconded That the Advisory Planning Commission support the proposed amendment to the Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 to allow up to six floating buildings containing up to 12 units; and, That the Advisory Planning Commission recommend that housing be regulated by a housing agreement that specifies that units are primarily staff housing and precludes the use as short-term vacation rentals. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
January 11, 2019 – Snug Cove Sewer Local Management Committee Meeting
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Snug Cove Sewer Local Management Committee support Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 461, 2018 regarding 431 Bowen Island Trunk Road proposed development of floating buildings with approved on-board sewage disposal systems with the following recommendations:
- That the solid removal chamber be pumped out by a private company and not into the municipal sewer system;
- That effluent monitoring is conducted every three months for the first year and once a year after that, and that the results of such are submitted to the municipality; and,
That the tanks are manually inspected once a year for damage and degradation, and photos or video of such, including a record of water levels, are provided to the municipality.
Staff Reports
- Report from Daniel Martin, Manager of Planning & Development to Mayor & Council presented to Council on October 10, 2017 re: Introduction to Rezoning Application RZ-02-2017.
- Report from Daniel Martin presented to Mayor Skeels and Council on April 23, 2018. re: First Reading.
- Report from Daniel Martin presented to Mayor Skeels & Council July 23rd,2018 re: Second Reading.
- Report from Daniel Martin presented to Mayor Skeels & Council November 13, 2018 re: Council rescind First and Second Reading of Bylaw No. 461, 2018; That Bylaw No. 461, 2018 be read a First time as amended; and That Council refer Bylaw No. 461 to the APC, Islands Trust and Snug Cove Sewer Local Management Committee.
- Report from Daniel Martin presented to Mayor Ander and Council January 28, 2019 re: Second reading as amended, refer bylaw to a Public Hearing.
- Report from Daniel Martin presented to Mayor Ander and Council March 11, 2019 re: First reading of Bylaw No. 480, 2019 cited as “Union Steamship Marina Housing Agreement”.
Staff Presentations
- Power Point Presentation to Mayor & Council dated October 10, 2017.
- Power Point Presentation to the Economic Development Committee October 13, 2017.
- Power Point Presentation to the Advisory Planning Commission October 16, 2017.
- Power Point Presentation to Mayor & Council dated April 23, 2018.
- Power Point Presentation to the Advisory Planning Commission May 23, 2018.
- Power Point Presentation to Mayor & Council dated July 23, 2018.
- Power Point Presentation to Mayor & Council dated November 13, 2018.
- Power Point Presentation to Mayor & Council dated January 28, 2019.
- Power Point Presentation to Mayor & Council dated March 11, 2019.
- Carol Petersen re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 21, 2018
- Don Ho re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 21, 2018
- Hal Barber re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 22, 2018
- Laurie Wooley re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 21, 2018
- Rick and Claire Burrows re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 22, 2018
- Terry Cowan re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 22, 2018
- Rondy Dike re Clarification to rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 23, 2018
- April & Gerry Sear re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 23, 2018
- HC Behm re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 23, 2018
- Paul & Basia Lieske re support for rezoning application (RZ-02-2017, Dyke), dated April 23, 2018
- Bruce Russell re Byalw No. 461, 2018, dated September 25, 2018
- Crozier W Lucas re Bylaw No. 461, 2018, dated September 25, 2018
- Ken and Barbara Hallat re Bylaw No. 461. 2018, dated September 25, 2018
- Murray Atherton re Byalw No. 461, 2018, dated September 25, 2018
Copies of base bylaws are available at Bowen Island Municipal Hall.