Notice of Public Hearing
6:15 pm on Tuesday, July 14, 2020
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Bowen Island Council is considering changes to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Land Use Bylaw at 720 Gardner Lane. This is an 8 hectare (20 acre) parcel located on Grafton Road as shown on the map below.

The application allows for retreat centre zoning on the south-east portion of the lot, and would see a dedication of a 2 ha park on the western end of the lot.
Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 498, 2019 would change the designation of the south-east portion of the lot to RC – Retreat Centre, and the western position of the lot to P – Municipal Park. Proposed Land Use Bylaw No. 499, 2019 would rezone the south-east portion of the lot Rural Commercial 2 (Retreat Centre), rezone the western portion of the lot P1 – Passive Park, and rezone the middle of the lot RR3(c) – to reduce the minimum lot size required to 1 hectare. This would allow for the future subdivision of two residential lots, currently permitted under the zoning. Bylaw No. 499 would also make minor amendments to the retreat centre regulations to restrict the amount of staff accommodation.
Ways you can have your say:
Speak at the Public Hearing: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 6:15 pm:
1. E-mail the Corporate Officer ( BEFORE 6:15 pm with:
Subject line: “Public Hearing – Verbal Submission”
Your full name, address and phone number
2. Join via Zoom and wait for your name to be called out. (See Zoom details above)
Write to the attention of Mayor and Council:
Mail: 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N 1G2
To ensure a fair process, Council cannot consider any submissions received after the Public Hearing has ended.