What’s next in the Community Centre project?
We’ve come a long way in the Community Centre project, with the most recent milestone being the successful referendum result on September 12, 2020. A clear majority of voters are in favour of borrowing up to $4.04 million to build the Community Centre. This nearly completes the funding formula for the capital budget, supplementing the remarkable Investing in Canada Infrastructure Grant of $7.9 million, $1.2 million in Municipal reserves and $1.3 million in community fundraising.

So, what’s next?
The next steps in the project are to gather the design team back together with mechanical, electrical and structural consultants to ensure the architectural design completed in 2018 aligns with more recent Building Code requirements.
Then, the project management team will prepare documents to be issued for the public competitive tendering process. This will take up to two months.
The tender documents are expected to be issued in early 2021, and the construction market will be given 4-6 weeks to review the project and submit their bids.
We anticipate the tendering process to be completed with an award to the preferred bidder in spring 2021, with construction beginning in late spring or early summer of 2021.
We’ll be sure to keep you updated on progress as we mark each milestone in the project timeline.