Development Variance Permit
205 Highland Trail
A Development Variance Permit was approved for 205 Highland Trail (shown on map) to vary the front lot setback to 6 metres to allow for the completion of a partially constructed deck expansion. The development variance permit also requires the demolition of a pre-existing nonpermitted stairwell in the road right-of-way along Eaglecliff rd.

Consideration Staff Report to Council May 10, 2021
Consideration Presentation May 10, 2021
Staff Report to Council April 12, 2021
Staff Report re Encroachments April 12, 2021
Final Decision
May 10, 2021 Council Resolution 21-197
That Council issue Development Variance Permit DVP-01-2020 for the variance of the side lot setback for expansion of an existing wooden deck for 205 Highland Trail, legally described as LOT 8 OF LOT 2, PLAN 4712, BLOCKS 6 TO 8, DL 1552, PID 011-397-730.