To borrow funds to finance Bluewater Park Water Improvements, subject to petition against.

This is a public notice under sections 213 and 217 of the Community Charter. Bowen Island Municipality intends to undertake well upgrades, construct water main replacements, and undertake exploration of new wells for the benefit of the Bluewater Park Local Service Area.
We intend to borrow $3,100,000 from the Municipal Finance Authority with a 30 year maximum repayment term to fund this work needed to ensure delivery of clean, safe drinking drinking water to Bluewater Park residents. The loan would be re-paid in full by means of a local service tax. If your property is within the local service area (outlined in blue), you will be subject to a Parcel Tax of approximately $1,187.00 per year, for the next 30 years.
Council may proceed with this service unless more than half of the landowners representing at least 50% of the assessed value of the land and improvements (buildings) that would be subject to the local service tax, petition against the service by February 6, 2023 (30 days after notice has been given).
You can get more information about Loan Authorization (Bluewater Park Water Improvements) Bylaw No. 595, 2022, and the financing plan on the Municipal website or at Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC.
If you own property within the local service area and you are IN FAVOUR of the financing plan for this project, no action is necessary.
If you are NOT IN FAVOUR, you may petition against this financing plan:
1. Confirm that your property is within the Bluewater Park Local Service Area
2. Complete a Petition Against Response Form
3. Submit the form to the Corporate Officer by 4:00 pm on February 6, 2023
4. In person or by mail to Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC V0N1G2
•By e-mail to
•By fax to 604-947-0193
This notice has been mailed directly to all properties in the Bluewater Park local service area, and publicly posted as of January 5, 2023.
Questions? Please contact the Corporate Officer by phone at 604-947-4255 or by email at