Update February 2023

There has been significant vertical progress since the last update. Have you noticed the roof trusses going up? The area closest to the road where framing has just started is the backstage area of the Performing Arts Auditorium. Next year we’ll be booking tickets for performances!

We’re getting closer to a move in date for this much-needed community hub. We’re just months away, rather than years. This versatile community space has vast possibilities for programming, events, community groups, public meetings, recitals, and more. This really will be a legacy for future generations.
FAQ: Are we over budget?
The budget is firm at $18.7 million and has been for several years. Previous iterations of Community Centre plans had different price tags, but as we consolidated the design and factored increasing cost of labour, equipment and materials, the budget was set at $18.7 million.
FAQ: Are we underfunded?
At the Community Centre Select Steering Committee Meeting on February 7, 2023, BIM’s CFO, Kristen Watson, presented a Summary of Community Centre Costs and Funding Sources.
We’ve spent just over $6 million of the $18.7 million budget. Of the remaining $12,668,649, $10,492,854 is confirmed funding and $2.2 million is unconfirmed. Funding may be unconfirmed for several reasons:
- We’re waiting to hear the results of several grant applications
- We’ve identified a possible funding source/grant that’s being investigated
- We’re exploring fundraising opportunities
Speaking of fundraising, now is a great time to consider a donation to Community Centre and play a part in building this legacy for the community. There are a number of ways to do this.
Sponsor a seat in the performing arts auditorium, name a room, make a one-time, monthly or annual donation. To discuss options please contact Jacqueline Massey, jmassey@bimbc.ca or make a donation with your credit card right now.