In the last few weeks there has been significant progress on the structure that will house the living room and the small multi-purpose room. It’s exciting to compare the bones of the structure and imagine how the space will be used. Our island’s dream of building a central community space is coming true before our eyes. For example, see the two pictures below showing on-site construction and what we’ll end up with.
In the photo below, you’re on site, standing just inside the back door, looking south. You can see the corridor on the right leading to the front door at the far end. The trusses are for the small multi-purpose Room, followed by the living room.
In the artist’s rendition on the right, you’re standing in the living room looking north, with the corridor on the left leading to the back door.

Can my organization rent space for programming?
Yes. The multipurpose rooms and meeting rooms will be available for organizations to rent at times they are not otherwise programmed by regular user groups.
Will there be a commercial kitchen?
No. The costs of building a commercial kitchen are beyond the projected budget for this project. There will be a small community kitchenette available for user groups.
Will there be a building attendant outside Municipal Hall operating hours?
A full-time facility coordinator will be the building attendant, and custodial services will allow access to user groups. Hours of the facility coordinator will depend on types of events and programming booked. Programming staff will work to ensure that programming/booking conflicts are minimized. However, after regular hours, user groups will have a contact number to call in case problems arise.
Help us get to the finish line!
With all the progress made to date, we are thrilled that it’s no longer years before we open the doors to the Bowen Island Community Centre, it’s a matter of months! Soon, having to line-up to catch the ferry over to the mainland for special events, activities and world-class performances will be purely optional. Islanders and their guests will be able to enjoy, participate and experience first-rate activities in the comfort of a purpose-built facility located in their very own island home.
We are so grateful for the generous support of funding agencies and donors who are helping to raise the $18.7 M capital needed for this project.
The good news? There’s still time to join those who are helping build this community legacy. All donations of $25+ will receive a tax receipt and donors who provide gifts valued at $200 or more will be acknowledged on a donor recognition display featured in the community centre Gallery Lounge.
There are many ways to play a part in helping our community dream come true.
We invite you to Take a Seat in the Performing Arts Auditorium
Sponsor a seat for $2,500!
The gift includes an engraved nameplate that can include your name, or dedication to someone else.
To make this and other cash donations please contact
Opportunities for naming rights, annual and legacy giving are also available. For more information, please contact: