Seeking Public Comment
DVP-2022-0282 (1104 & 1108 Foxglove Lane)
February 26, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Regular Council Meeting
Bowen Island Municipality has received an application for a Development Variance Permit to allow for increased floor area to these two lots to be consolidated and a fourplex to be built on the site. The current amended application would seek an increase in the Floor Space Ratio (FSR) permitted in the zone from the allowed 0.85 to a maximum of 1.022 FSR.
This application was originally introduced to Council at the May 8, 2023 Regular Council Meeting. The applicant has subsequently amended their application to reduce the scope of the variance requested. Municipal staff introduced the amended application to Council at the January 22nd, 2024 meeting.

Project Description
As mentioned above, this application is to increase the maximum floor area on the site from a maximum of 465 sq. m. to a maximum of 559 sq. m. (through increasing the Floor Square Ratio from 0.85 to 1.022). The applicant is also proposing that restrictions be placed on one unit, such that it be required to be a rental unit for the first five years after an Occupancy Permit is issued.


Reference Documents
240122 Staff Report to Council
Your Comments are Welcome
Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall before 11:00 am on Monday, February 26, 2024:
- By E-mail to
- In person
- By mail to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N1G2
- By fax to 604-947-0193
To ensure a fair process, written submissions cannot be accepted after the deadline.
Verbal submissions may be made to Mayor and Council at the meeting:
1:00 PM on Monday, February 26, 2024
in Council Chambers, Municipal Hall, OR
Virtually via Zoom – see Council Meetings for details
All comments received will form part of the public record and will be considered by Council in their deliberations.
Should Council proceed with this application, there will be further opportunity to share your comments on the application, and we would share additional information on how to provide your comments.
Please contact Daniel Martin, Manager of Planning and Development, by phone at 604-947-4255 extension 230 or by email at