Seeking Public Comment
for renewal of
TUP-03-2020 (2095 Cape Drive)
Monday, June 12, 2023 at 6:15 pm
Regular Council Meeting
Project Description
A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) application has been submitted for 2095 Cape Drive (shown on map) to renew TUP-03-2020 for an additional three-year term.
TUP-03-2020 was issued by Council November 9th, 2020, for a three-year term expiring November 9, 2023. This TUP permitted school use on the property and was issued to Alan Saugstad on behalf of the Island Discovery Learning Community (IDLC). IDLC continues to search for a permanent home and is looking for an additional three-year term at their current location until a permanent location is secured.
Staff are presenting the renewal at the June 12, 2023, meeting. At that meeting Council may issue the permit or may choose to conduct additional public notice and consider the renewal at a future meeting.


Additional Documents
- Staff Report from the YYMMDD Council Meeting
- Staff Presentation from the YYMMDD Council Meeting
Your Comments are Welcome
Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall before 4:00 pm on Monday, June 12, 2023:
- By E-mail to
- In person
- By mail to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N1G2
- By fax to 604-947-0193
To ensure a fair process, written submissions cannot be accepted after the deadline.
Verbal submissions may be made to Mayor and Council at the meeting:
6:15 PM on Monday, June 12, 2023
in Council Chambers, Municipal Hall, OR
Virtually via Zoom – see Council Meetings for details
All comments received will form part of the public record and will be considered by Council in their deliberations.
Please contact Daniel Martin, Manager of Planning and Development at 604-947-4255 ext 230 or by email at