In a major disaster, the Province and the Municipality are unlikely to have the resources to come to our aid immediately. First responders—fire, ambulance, police, etc.—who normally provide help, will be dealing with the seriously injured and critical infrastructure repair. It is imperative that every household be personally prepared and ready to help themselves and assist their neighbours. The Neighbourhood Emergency Response program (NERP) was created to help us all prepare for this.
About four years ago, Edward took on the position of NERP Lead Coordinator for Bowen Island. Since then, NERP’s membership has grown to its current strength of more than 90 volunteers in almost every Bowen neighbourhood. Recently, Wilma Pretorius has stepped up to share leadership responsibilities with me as Co-Lead Coordinator.
NERP volunteers encourage their neighbours to have enough household emergency supplies (food, potable water, medicine, etc.) available in case of a disaster. These neighbourhood volunteers also identify those in their neighbourhood who might need special assistance in an emergency and others who might have the skills, and possibly the equipment to provide that assistance. NERP provides the resources and training to support these neighbourhood volunteers.
In addition, over the last two years, NERP—with a grant from the BI Community Foundation and in collaboration with the Municipality– built five information kiosks at strategic locations on the island. Check out these blue kiosks in your neighbourhood for information you may need to prepare your household for an emergency.
“Working with such a committed group of islanders has been a wonderful experience for me personally,” says Edward. “Their efforts help ensure the safety of our island”.
Get to know your NERP volunteer and find out how you can help.
Read more about NERPs.