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Other Advisories

Fire Danger – Low
The forest fire danger rating is currently LOW. Read about restrictions based on fire danger rating here.

Cove Bay Water System Water Quality Advisory
For People with Compromised Immune Systems
Cove Bay Water System and Vancouver Coastal Health are reminding users of the ongoing Water Quality Advisory (WQA).
All restaurants and short term rental properties located within the Cove Bay Water System are required by Vancouver Coastal Health to display this notice in a location that is visible to customers and guests. A printable version of this notice can be found here.
Why has a Water Quality Advisory been issued?
Drinking water systems with a surface water source such as a lake or river, including the Cove Bay Water System, are at risk of containing pathogens that can cause illness if untreated. The vast majority of these pathogens, like bacteria and viruses, can be adequately addressed using chlorine disinfection. Some pathogens, such as protozoan parasites, may be present in surface water and are not easily disinfected by chlorine. For this reason, an additional treatment step is required for surface water supplies in British Columbia. Until the new water treatment plant has been fully commissioned, this WQA will continue.
What does a Water Quality Advisory mean?
A Water Quality Advisory means the risk is low; however, certain water users are advised to take extra precautions when ingesting the water.
Who should take extra precautions?
For people with very compromised immune systems (e.g. due to certain cancers and transplant processes), the increased health risks associated with protozoa parasites can have serious implications. This is not a general boil-water advisory for the general public.
What should you do?
Extra precautions for people at higher risk may include boiling water for at least one minute prior to use or obtaining fully treated water from another source. More information is available here:
Questions? Contact Public Works at or at 604-947-4255 ext. 4.