A Board of Variance application has been submitted for 604 Magee Rd (shown on map) to exempt the minimum distance required between principal and accessory buildings.
This variance would facilitate the construction of a new roof for a proposed carport and workshop.

The application may be viewed at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).

Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall (contact information below):
- In person
- By mail
- By fax
- By email to bim@bimbc.ca
Submissions may also be made to the Board of Variance at the meeting:
3:00 PM on Wednesday, September 3, 2019
in Council Chambers, Municipal Hall
To ensure a fair process, submissions cannot be accepted after the meeting has begun.
Please contact Emma Chow, Island Community Planner, at 604-947-4255 or echow@bimbc.ca