A variance permit application has been submitted for 441 Bowen Island Trunk Road (shown on map) to permit construction of a vodka distillery, a tasting lounge, and three residential units.
7:15 PM on Monday, July 11, 2016 in Council Chambers
Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island
Regulations in the Land Use Bylaw would require 10 on-site parking spaces. The drafted permit would vary section 4.5.2(1) of the Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw, No. 57, 2002. The Applicant is proposing to provide one on-site parking space and one on-site bicycle rack. The applicant is also proposing a $40,000 contribution to the Municipal parking reserve, and to provide two units of affordable rental housing. Council will be considering this application at the July 11, 2016 meeting.
The proposed permit and background material may be viewed at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays) or on the Municipal website.
Questions? Contact Daniel Martin, Island Community Planner at 604-947-4255 or dmartin@bimbc.ca
Written submissions may be delivered:
• In person, by mail or by fax to Municipal Hall
• By email to bim@bimbc.ca
• At the Council Meeting at 7:15 PM on July 11, 2016