1149 Senator Rd
A Development Variance Permit application was approved for 1149 Senator Rd (shown on map) to vary the side lot setback from 3.0 metres to 2.0 metres. The proposed work allows for a small addition to the front of the residence. The proposal also includes the relocation of the existing shed from the road right-of-way to within the property.
- Consideration Report to Council, June 14, 2021
- Presentation to Council, June 14, 2021
- Introductory Report to Council, May 10, 2021
- Presentation to Council, May 10, 2021

At its meeting on June 14, 2021, Council approved the Development Variance Permit with the following resolution:
RES#21-236 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council issue Development Variance Permit DVP-10-2020 for the variance of the variance of the side setback to 2.0 m for a new ADDITION for 1149 SENATOR RD, legally described as LOT 6 BLOCK 6 DISTRICT LOT 490 PLAN 11393, PID 009-078-860. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |