1291 Fairweather Road
A Development Variance Permit application was approved for 1291 Fairweather Road (shown on map) to increase the allowable lot coverage and reduce the required front lot line setback.
1291 Fairweather Road wishes to extend an existing carport to increase outdoor storage. The existing house exceeds the allowable lot coverage, so the proposed addition would further increase the nonconformity.

210426 Staff Report to Council
210322 Staff Report to Council
Final Decision
At its meeting on April 26, 2021, Council approved the Development Variance Permit with the following resolution:
RES#21-148 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council issue Development Variance Permit DVP-2021-0016 for the variance of Maximum Lot Coverage for 1291 Fairweather Road, legally described as STRATA LOT 2 DISTRICT LOT 1550 STRATA PLAN VR. 704, TOGETHER WITH AN INTEREST IN THE COMMON PROPERTY IN PROPORTION TO THE UNIT ENTITLEMENT OF THE STRATA LOT AS SHOWN ON FORM 1, PID 005-680-116. CARRIED (Councillor Fast opposed.) |