Rezoning 391 Salal Road

Notice of Public Hearing

7:00 PM on Monday, October 1, 2018
in Council Chambers
Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island

Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan 282, 2010 Amendment Bylaw No. 459,2018.
Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 460, 2018

391 Salal Road is a 2.55 ha (6.3 acre) property located adjacent to Josephine Lake. The property owner wishes to subdivide the property into two properties. Current land use regulations would not permit the subdivision of the property. 391 Salal Road is currently designated R1-Rural (2 ha) in Bowen Island’s Official Community Plan, and Rural Residential 3 (RR3) zone in the Land Use Bylaw. 

To permit the subdivision, the property owners have applied to amend the Official Community Plan land use designation to the RS – Residential 
(1 ha) designation, and to amend the Land Use Bylaw zone to the Rural Residential 3(b) zone.

As a part of the application, the property owners have proposed a trail right-of-way be dedicated to pass from Salal Road to the Crown Land to the west of the property. 

The proposed bylaw and background material may be viewed on this page below, or at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).

Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall:

  • In person
  • By mail to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N1G2
  • By fax to 604-947-0193
  • By email to

Submissions may also be made to Mayor and Council at the public hearing.  To ensure a fair process, submissions cannot be accepted once the Public Hearing has ended.

Questions? Please contact Daniel Martin, Manager of Planning and Development at 604-947-4255 or by email at

Background information

Notice of Public Hearing

Public Hearing Notice 391 Salal Road Rezoning

Proposed Bowen Island Municipality Bylaws

Bylaw No. 459, 2018, cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 282, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No. 459, 2018.

Bylaw No. 460, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No. 460, 2018.

Council resolutions

November 27, 2017 Regular Council meeting


It was Moved and Seconded

That Council refer the rezoning application (RZ-05-2017) to the Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee, and the Advisory Planning Commission. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

April 23, 2018 Regular Council Meeting

RES#18-185It was Moved and Seconded That Bylaw No. 459, 2018, as provided on-table, cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 459, 2018” be read a first time; That Bylaw No. 460, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 460, 2018” be read a first time; and That Council refer Bylaw No. 459 & 460 2018 to the Islands Trust, the Advisory Planning Commission, the Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee and all adjacent landowners and residents. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

July 23, 3018 Regular Council Meeting


CONSENT AGENDAThat Bylaw No. 459, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 459, 2018” be read a second time; That Bylaw No. 460, 2018 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 460, 2018” be read a second time; and That Council refer Bylaws No. 459 & 460 2018 to a Public Hearing.

Committee Resolutions

February 26, 2018 – Advisory Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

It was Moved and Seconded

Whereas the Advisory Planning Commission supports rezoning application RZ-05-2017 (391 Salal Road) and the proposed subdivision and community amenity,
Therefore it be resolved that the Advisory Planning Commission recommend that the property owner ensure that the location, quality, and dimensions, of the trail easement are compliant with the Bowen Island Municipal Parks Operation Standards as a condition of the rezoning.      

                                                                                    CARRIED ANANIMOUSLY

May 23, 2018 – Advisory Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

It was Moved and Seconded

That the Advisory Planning Commission support Bylaw No. 459, 2018, a bylaw to amend BIM Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 282, 2010, and BIM Bylaw No. 460, 2018, a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, regarding the 391 Salal Road rezoning application, as presented at its May 23, 2018 meeting.                                                                                                 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

February 20, 2018 – Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee Minutes

 It was Moved and Seconded

That the Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee recommend the following regarding the proposed trail dedication at 391 Salal Road:

That the proposed trail easement that was walked on February 4, 2018 is beneficial to the municipality; and,

that the easement be wider than 3 metres.

                                                                                                                     CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Staff reports

  1. Report from Daniel Martin, Manager of Planning & Development presented to Mayor Skeels & Council on November 27th, 2017 re: refer rezoning application RZ-05-2017 to the Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee.
  2. Report from Daniel Martin presented to Mayor Skeels & Council April 23rd, 2018 re: First Reading.
  3. Report from Daniel Martin presented to Mayor Skeels & Council July 23rd,2018
    re: Second Reading & Refer Bylaws No. 459 & 460, 2018 to a public hearing.

Staff Presentations

  1.  Power Point Presentation dated November 27, 2017.
  2. Power Point Presentation dated January 15, 2018.
  3. Power Point Presentation dated April 23, 3018.
  4. Power Point Presentation dated May 23, 2018.

Public comments

None as of September 5, 2018.

Associated information

Islands Trust – Policy Statement Directives Checklist only.

Base bylaws being amended

Copies of base bylaws are available at Bowen Island Municipal Hall.