Detached secondary suites, Bylaw Nos. 413 & 414, 2016
Notice of Public Hearing
7:00 PM on Monday, April 24th, 2017
in Council Chambers
Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island
Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 413, 2016 &
Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002,
Amendment Bylaw No. 414, 2016
Detached Secondary Suites
Bowen Island Council is considering changes to the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Land Use Bylaw to allow owners of residential properties to construct a detached secondary suite. A Public Hearing is being held at 7:00PM on Monday, April 24th, 2017 in Council Chambers on these proposed changes. Come to the Public Hearing to share your views, or send us your written submissions (contact information below).
Proposed Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 413, 2016 would amend the Official Community Plan to include Detached Secondary Suites as an approved building typology, include them with secondary suites when considering the total number of units on Bowen Island, and create a Development Permit Area to govern the form, character, and siting of Detached Secondary Suites.
Proposed Land Use Bylaw No. 414, 2016 would create the regulations governing how Detached Secondary Suites could be built on Bowen. Regulations include a minimum lot size for detached secondary suites at 0.36 hectares (~0.9 acres), a detached secondary suite could have maximum size of up to 115 square metres (~1,200 square feet) depending on size of lot, and a property could not have a detached secondary suite and operate a bed and breakfast. Proposed bylaw would also create guidelines for a Development Permit Area which would regulate development of Detached Secondary Suites.
More information at Municipal Hall:
The proposed bylaw and background material is available to view online under Background Information below, or in person at the Municipal Hall.
Your comments are welcome:
Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall (contact information below):
- In person
- By mail
- By fax
- By email to
Questions? Please contact Daniel Martin, Island Community Planner, at 604-947-4255 or by email at
Background Information
Proposed Bowen Island Municipality Bylaws
Council Resolutions
July 13, 2015 Regular Council Meeting
RES#15-223 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council refer the issue of residential use of Accessory buildings and the material outlined in item 11.2 of the July 13, 2015 agenda package to planning staff and report back to Council in the fall on next steps. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
September 29, 2015 Regular Council Meeting
RES#15-289 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council direct staff to schedule a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss a draft bylaw with respect to residential use accessory buildings; and That Council direct their comments regarding the report presented at the September 29, 2015 Council meeting to the Island Community Planner. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
January 18, 2016 Regular Council Meeting
RES# | It was Moved and Seconded That staff be directed to draft a detached secondary suite bylaw based on discussion at the Committee of the Whole meeting held January 18, 2016 and that it be brought forward to a future Committee of the Whole meeting. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
May 24, 2016 Regular Council Meeting
RES#16-172 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council direct staff to bring forward a revised bylaws for first reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
July 25, 2016 Regular Council Meeting
RES#16-236 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw 414, 2016 by deleting point 4 of section 3.54: “the minimum size of lot on which a detached secondary suite may be located”. CARRIED Councillor Fast in Opposition |
RES#16-237 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 by changing the maximum floor area from 90 m2 to 115 m2 in point 5 of section 3.54. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#16-238 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 by deleting “and neighborhood” in section 3.4 (1) (a). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#16-239 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 by deleting “principle dwelling” in the first sentence and by deleting the paragraph following the first sentence: “Not place decks, external stairs, doors, and balconies of the detached secondary suite on the side of the detached secondary suite that is closest to the principal dwelling or adjacent lot. Minimize upper level windows in the detached secondary suite where such windows would face the principal dwelling or adjacent lot.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#16-240 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 by deleting the paragraph following the first sentence: “To maintain privacy, detached secondary suites should not: i. be located in direct line-of-sight to adjacent lots; ii. be located so as not to dominate views; and iii. affect access to natural light of the primary dwelling or adjacent lots”. CARRIED Councillors Fast and Mason in Opposition. |
RES#16-241 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 by deleting point d in section 3.4 (1). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#16-242 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 by replacing “shall” with “should” in section 3.4 (5). CARRIED Councillor Fast in Opposition. |
RES#16-243 | It Was Moved and Seconded That Council amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 by deleting “and repainting or re-staining the exterior walls with the same colour paint or stains” in section 3.4(9) (b). CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#16-244 | It was Moved and Seconded That Bylaw No.413, 2016 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No.413, 2016” be read a first time; and That Bylaw No.414, 2016 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No.57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No.414, 2016” be read a first time as amended; and That staff be directed to arrange a public open house to receive public input with regard to these applications prior to consideration of second reading of the bylaws; and That Council refer Bylaw Nos. 413, 2016 and 414, 2016 to the Islands Trust, Metro Vancouver, Vancouver Coastal Health, and the Advisory Planning Commission, and that staff to report back with the results of the referral of the application. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
December 12, 2016 Regular Council Meeting
RES#16-359 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council direct staff to amend Bylaw No.413, 2016 to require a minimum lot size of one acre (0.4 ha) with a maximum unit size 90m2, rising in size on a sliding scale to 115m2 for a 0.8 ha lot; and That 115m2 be the largest detached secondary suite allowed on any lot. CARRIED. Councillor Morse in opposition. |
RES#16-360 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council direct staff to amend Bylaw No. 414, 2016 to create an exemption from the proposed Development Permit Area for buildings that received a Building Permit prior to December 2016. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
RES#16-361 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council direct staff to draft amend to Bylaw Nos. 413, 2016 and No. 414, 2016 based on direction given at the December 12, 2016 regular Council meeting; and That such amended bylaws be brought forward to a future council meeting for Council’s consideration. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
February 27, 2017 Regular Council Meeting
RES#17-84 | It was Moved and Seconded That Bylaw No.413, 2016 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Bylaw No.282, 2010, Amendment Bylaw No.413, 2016” be read a second time; and That Bylaw No.414, 2016 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No.57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No.414, 2016” be read a second time as amended; and That Bylaw numbers 413 & 414, 2016 be referred to a Public Hearing. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
March 13, 2017 Regular Council Meeting
RES#17-89 | It was Moved and Seconded That Council direct staff to amend Bylaw No.414, 2016 to require a minimum lot size of 0.36 hectares for a detached secondary suite; and That Council rescind second reading of Bylaw No.414, 2016 and give second reading as amended; and That Council direct staff to refer amended Bylaw No.414 to a Public Hearing. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
Committee Resolutions
August 15, 2016 Advisory Planning Commission Meeting
It was Moved and Seconded: Whereas the APC supports the concept of detached secondary suites on residential properties; Therefore be it resolved that the Advisory Planning Commission recommend that Council consider allowing both a detached and attached secondary suites on lots which are 0.4 hectares or greater. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
Staff Reports
July 13, 2006 – Report to Council: Secondary Suites
November 2012 – Report to Council: Use of Accessory Buildings for Residential Use
September 18, 2015 – Report to Council: Residential Use of Accessory Buildings
January 12, 2016 – Report to Council: Residential Use of Accessory Buildings
May 18, 2016 – Report to Council: Detached Secondary Suites
July 15, 2016 – Report to Council: Detached Secondary Suites Bylaw
December 2, 2016 – Report to Council re: Detached Secondary Suites
February 17, 2017 – Report to Council re: Detached Secondary Suites
January 18, 2016 – Powerpoint presentation: Residential Use of Accessory Buildings
May 24, 2016 – Powerpoint presentation: Detached Secondary Suites
July 25, 2016 – Powerpoint presentation: Detached Secondary Suites – Bylaw Nos 414 and 413, 2016
December 12, 2016 – PowerPoint Presentation re: Detached Secondary Suites
February 17, 2017 – PowerPoint Presentation re: Detached Secondary Suites
Public Submissions
Summary of Detached Secondary Suites Survey Results
Please click HERE to read the public submissions from the list below
• Comments from Nerys Poole, September 7, 2016
• Comments from Peter Frinton, September 9, 2016
• Comments from Eric Sherlock, September 13, 2016
• Comments from Mayor Murray Skeels to Peter Frinton, September 15,2016
• Comments from Mayor Murray Skeels to Nerys Poole, September 14, 2016
• Comments from Gillian Darline Kovanic, October 1, 2016
• Comments from John Dowler, October 11, 2016
• Comments from James Buskard, November 10, 2016
• Comments from John Dowler, November 28, 2016
• Comments received from Cathryn Robertson, December 1, 2016
• Comments received from Susanna Braund, December 1, 2016
• Comments received from Mal Hoskin, December 13, 2016
• Comments received from James Lafferty, March 1, 2017