Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 580, 2022
Council will be considering a First Reading at it’s Regular Council Meeting held at 6:15 pm on Monday June 27, 2022 to consider Amendment Bylaw No. 580, 2022. This hearing will be held at the Municipal Hall and online via Zoom.
What property does this affect?

What is this amendment about?
The Municipality intends to exchange a portion of Lot B with an equivalent area of land from 1011 Miller Road along Bowen Island Trunk Road to accomodate the Multi-Use Path.
Proposed Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 580, 2022 would rezone a 87 sq. m. portion of Lot “B,” owned by the Bowen Island Municipality located on Bowen Island Trunk Road, from Village Commercial 1 to a zone variation Village Commercial 1 (b) to faciliate a lot line adjustment to include that portion within neighbouring 1011 Miller Road. This zone variation permits “service station” use and governs setbacks for that use.
Ways to Have Your Say:
• Speak at the Council Meeting: June 27, 2022 at 6:15 pm:
1. E-mail the Corporate Officer ( up to 6:00 PM to pre-register for the speakers list. Subject line: “Public Comment” Your full name, phone number and topic.
2. Join the Council Meeting via Zoom and wait for your name to be called out.
Register your name on the speakers list, located in Council Chambers. Your name will be called during the public comment section.
• Write to the attention of Mayor and Council:
1. Email:
2. Mail: 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N 1G2
All comments received will form part of the public record and will be considered by Council in their deliberations.
220524_Staff Report to Council
220524 Presentation to Council