Notice of Public Hearing
11:30 AM on Monday, November 27th, 2017
in Council Chambers
Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island
Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 438, 2017
Area 1, Lot 2 of the Community Lands
Project description
An amendment to the Land Use Bylaw is being considered by Bowen Island Council for the municipally owned property known as Area 1 of Lot 2 (located at the corner of Bowen Island Trunk Road and Senior Road). This amendment would:
- Allow greater residential development within the current allowable floor area of 2,500 square metres;
- Remove the restriction on number of storeys, while retaining the existing height limit;
- redraw the zone boundaries to match the current property boundaries; and
- Reduce the required setback on Senior Road to match a recent Development Variance Permit
Council is also considering a recent amendment that would exclude parking areas from the Floor Space Ratio (FSR) calculation. These changes have required a second Public Hearing, to be held this November.

Background Information
Proposed Bylaw:
Land Use Bylaw No.57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No.438, 2017 (Area 1 Lot 2)
Council Resolutions:
January 23, 2017:
That Council direct staff to draft a bylaw amending the Land Use Bylaw for Area 1 of Lot 2 to allow for the option of an increased residential component of up to 2200 square metres of the total 2500 square metres; and That such bylaw be brought forward to future Council meetings for readings.
Councillor Morse Opposed.
February 27, 2017:
hat Bylaw No. 438, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Lands Use Bylaw No.57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No. 438, 2017” be read a first time: and That Council refer Bylaw No.438, 2017 to the Islands Trust and the Advisory Planning Commission; and That staff to report back with the results of the referral of the application.
May 8, 2017:
That Council direct staff to amend Bylaw No.438, 2017 to remove “or 3 storeys” from the maximum height regulation for Area 1.
That Bylaw No.438, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No.57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No.438, 2017” be read a second time as amended; and That Bylaw No.438, 2017 be referred to a Public Hearing.
October 10, 2017:
That Bylaw No. 438, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No. 438,2017” be read a third time.
November 14, 2017:
That Council rescind third and second reading of Bylaw No. 438, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 438, 2017;” and
That Bylaw No. 438, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 438, 2017” be read a second time as amended; and
That Council refer Bylaw No. 438 to a Public Hearing.
Staff Reports:
Report from Daniel Martin to Mayor & Council dated April 28, 2017 re: Second Reading
PowerPoint Presentation, dated February 27, 2017
PowerPoint Presentation, dated May 8, 2017
PowerPoint Presentation, dated September 11, 2017
Committee Referrals:
Advisory Planning Commission meeting held April 3, 2017:
“That the Advisory Planning Commission provide the following comments to staff regarding Bylaw No. 438, 2017 a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 as concerns Area 1, Lot 2 of the Community Lands: 1) The APC supports the proposed increase of residential floor area allowance from 1,500 square metres to 2,200 square metres, while not increasing the total floor area allowed to be developed. 2) The APC (a) supports the intent of the proposed amendment which is to require a certain amount of commercial development, and (b) believes that the proposed regulation wording captures the desired intent. 3) While the area boundaries of CD19 are acceptable in general, due to the topographic challenges and site configuration limitations of this property: a. The APC recommends that the road dedication along Senior Lane be made available for vehicle parking, that this parking be used to reduce the required commercial parking for this property, and if possible that the proposed road dedication be reduced from 6 metres to 3 metres to address the difficulty in achieving the required parking for the development. b. The APC recommends that the “number of stories” criteria be removed from the draft bylaw and that a height limitation be set instead of 14 metres. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY”
Minutes from the September 11th, 2017 Public Hearing
Public Submissions:
Submission from Tim Rhodes, Bowen Island Health Centre Foundation, dated September 11, 2017
Associated Information:
Response from the Islands Trust, dated April 5, 2017
More information at Municipal Hall
Starting Monday November 20th, 2017, the proposed bylaw and background material may be viewed at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
Your comments are welcome
Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall:
- In person
- By mail to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC V0N1G2
- By fax to 604-947-0193
- By email to
Submissions may also be made to the Mayor and Council at the public hearing. To ensure a fair process, submissions cannot be accepted once the public hearing has ended.
Questions? Please contact Daniel Martin, Island Community Planner at 604-947-4255 or