Notice of Public Hearing
7:00 PM on Monday, March 19th, 2018
in Council Chambers
Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island
Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439, 2017
Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 440, 2017
(Rezoning of Grafton Lake Lands)
Project Description
Amendments to the Official Community Plan and the Land Use Bylaw are being considered by Council for a series of properties surrounding Grafton Lake in the centre of Bowen. Highlights of the proposed development include:
- Permit the development of up to 120 market dwelling units;
- Provide 45 units of affordable housing, in a mixture of rental and home ownership dwellings;
- Allow for Recovery Care Housing on the site of the Orchard Recovery Centre, and allow for up to 18 clients on their site;
- Dedicate 91-hectares (227 acres) of land as a Nature Preserve; and
- Provide land for a municipal water treatment plant to serve the Cove Bay Water System
A Public Hearing was held for Bylaw Nos. 439 and 440, 2017 in December of 2017, and Council subsequently gave third reading to the bylaws. In January 2018 the Agricultural Land Commission announced their decision on the inclusion and exclusion applications to the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) that are associated with this rezoning application. In light of this decision it is necessary to amend the bylaws so that the uses and density proposed meet the requirements of land in the ALR, and hold another Public Hearing.

More information at Municipal Hall
The proposed bylaw and background material may be viewed on this page below, or at Municipal Hall between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays).

Your comments are welcome
Written submissions may be delivered to Municipal Hall:
- In person
- By mail to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC, V0N1G2
- By fax to 604-947-0193
- By email to
Submissions may also be made to Mayor and Council at the public hearing. To ensure a fair process, submissions cannot be accepted once the public hearing has ended.
Questions? Please contact Daniel Martin, Manager of Planning and Development at 604-947-4255 or by email at
Background information
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice of Public Hearing – March 19, 2018
Notice of Public Hearing – December 4, 2017
Proposed Bowen Island Municipality Bylaws
Council resolutions
October 24, 2016:
That Council refer application RZ-05-2015/OCP-02-2015/ALR-01-2016 (The Grafton Lake Lands application) to the Advisory Planning Commission, the Parks, Trails, and Greenways Committee, the Economic Development Committee, the Transportation Advisory Committee, Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee, Vancouver Coastal Health, the Agricultural Land Commission, and the Islands Trust; and That staff return with results of this referral.
March 27, 2017:
That Council receive draft Bylaws No.439 & 440, 2017 for information; and That Council direct staff to bring bylaws for consideration of First Reading at the April 10th Council meeting.
April 10, 2017:
That Bylaw No.439, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439, 2017” be read a first time; That Bylaw No. 440 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No 440 2017” be read a first time; That Council refer Bylaw Nos. 439, 2017 & 440, 2017 to Advisory Planning Commission, the Parks, Trails, and Greenways Committee, the Economic Development Committee, the Transportation Advisory Committee, Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee, Vancouver Coastal Health, the Agricultural Land Commission, and the Islands Trust; That Council direct the applicant to hold a public open house to receive public input with regard to these bylaws prior to consideration of second reading of the bylaws; and That Council direct staff to schedule a Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss Bylaw Nos.439, 2017 & 440, 2017.
July 24, 2017:
That Council receive the Grafton Lake Lands report dated July 16, 2017 for information.
September 11, 2017:
That Council direct staff to prepare a Draft Housing Agreement for the Grafton Lake Lands development application file RZ-05-2015 based on the following: • Applicant to provide 35 units of rental housing, to be rented at rates 10% below the Vancouver CMA total rental universe. The applicant would also provide 10 units of affordable home ownership, on land on the north side of Grafton Lake outside the Grafton Lake Watershed, to eligible purchasers.
Mayor Skeels in Opposition
That Council direct staff to bring Bylaws 439 and 440 to the October 10, 2017 Council meeting for consideration of second reading.
October 10, 2017:
That Bylaw No. 439, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439, 2017” be read a second time as amended; That Bylaw No. 440, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 440, 2017” be read a second time as amended; and That Council direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaws No. 439 and 440, 2017.
February 13, 2018:
1.That Council rescind Third and Second Reading of Bylaw No. 439, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439, 2017”;
2.That Council rescind Third and Second Reading of Bylaw No. 440, 2017 cited as “Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 440, 2017”;
3.That Bylaw No. 439, 2017 be read a second time, as amended;
4.That Bylaw No. 440, 2017 be read a second time, as amended; and
5.That Council direct staff to schedule a Public Hearing for Bylaws No. 439 & 440, 2017.
Staff reports
Daniel Martin – Power Point Presentation dated January 18, 2016.
Daniel Martin – Power Point Presentation dated October 24, 2016 – Grafton Lake Lands.
Daniel Martin – Power Point Presentation dated July 24, 2017 – Grafton Lake Development.
Daniel Martin – Power Point Presentation dated September 11, 2017 – Grafton Lake Development.
Daniel Martin – Power Point Presentation dated October 10, 2017 – Re: Grafton Lake Lands.
Committee resolutions
November 21, 2016 – Advisory Planning Commission
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Advisory Planning Commission support all aspects of the proposed Grafton Lake Lands Rezoning Application.
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Advisory Planning Commission supports the proposed exclusion/inclusion application to the Agricultural Land Commission.
May 24, 2017 – Advisory Planning Commission
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Advisory Planning Commission support the proposed amendments to the Grafton Lake Lands Development application, the Draft Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439, 2017 and Draft Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No. 440, 2017.
June 13, 2017 – Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee
It was Moved and Seconded
Whereas the nature reserve, trails and greenways aspects of the Grafton Lake Lands Revised Proposal (Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439, 2017 (Draft) and Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002, Amendment Bylaw No. 440, 2017 (Draft) appear to be beneficial to the community, Be it resolved that the Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee recommend that Council consider the following: That best practices for Low Impact Development (LID) be adopted including:
- Storm water (surface and subsurface) management (eg. bioswales, constructed wetlands, retention of vegetation, etc.)
- Shoreline protection through the Green Shores approach
- Pollutant, nutrient and sediment control and management
- Ongoing water quality monitoring comparing to baseline data including, forexample, a provincial groundwater monitoring well in addition to surface water; and,
That best practices be adopted for habitat protection including for:
- Invasive species management
- Amphibian road crossing
- Wildlife corridors; and,
That best practices for trail and multi-use pathway construction and ongoing operations, risk, safety, expense, liability and general management be adopted; and, That the water quality and flows of the main creek drainage of the south Grafton Lake Lands into terminal creek be maintained; and,
That cumulative effects be considered.
It was Moved and Seconded
That Parks, Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee recommend that the nature reserve be extended across the agricultural commons, including along the riparian corridor, to protect the existing creek habitat between the agricultural commons and the Orchard Recovery Centre, including all wetland vegetation.
May 5, 2017 – Economic Development Committee
It was Moved and Seconded
Whereas the revised proposal is consistent with the Economic Development Committee referral policy, Therefore it be resolved that the Economic Development Committee support the revised Grafton Lake Lands development proposal as presented at the May 5, 2017 Economic Development Committee meeting (regarding Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439 and Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 440, 2017) and request additional consideration of the following items:
- That Council consider more indoor common use areas;
- That there be flexibility regarding zoning for the retreat and guest house areas,and
- That diversity of housing unit types is ensured.
April 25, 2017 – Bowen Island Municipality Transportation Advisory Committee
It was Moved and Seconded
The Transportation Advisory Committee is supportive of the transportation elements of the revised Grafton Lake Lands proposed development plan as presented at the April 25, 2017 Transportation Advisory Committee meeting (regarding Bowen Island Municipality Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 439 and Bowen Island Municipality Land Use Bylaw No. 57, 2002 Amendment Bylaw No. 440, 2017) and provides the following comments: That it be ensured that the road allowance and easements that enable the cross island path to connect at both ends of the development be identified at the time of subdivision; and, That the widths of the multi-use paths be similar to those of Whistler and Tofino; and, That there be adequate space for bus pull-outs on both sides of the road at the Grafton Gardens intersection.
November 29, 2016 – Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee support the proposed dedication of the land for the water treatment plant.
The Committee discussed the dedication of nature reserve around Grafton Lake. discussion included:
- It was noted that the riparian area around the creeks at Harding Road were not clear or marked (there would be no indication that zoning changed) therefore some members felt that building next to a nature reserve was not advisable.
- There was a belief that there was a need for a wildlife corridor where animals could cross the central valley– this corridor would be preferable near the creeks.
- Committee members preferred to not have light industrial zoning near the creeks but rather am undeveloped natural area, or “green bridge”.
- While there was a demand in the industrial community for the proposed carriage houses, it may not be suitable for Grafton Lake lands.
- There were concerns expressed about the septic fields being located above the lake in area 5, the applicant alleviated these concerns by advising that water was intended to drain to below the lake (lake outlet).
- One member of the committee was concerned that lot #7 and lot #11 posed threats to the water quality of the lake
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee recommend to Council that no urban development, excluding trails, should be undertaken in the portion of the watershed draining into Grafton Lake.
The Committee discussed the expansion of the Cove Bay Water System to include the properties in the Grafton Lake Lands development proposal. Key comments included:
- While the 101 units would pay for their own connections, whether the 38 affordable housing units would pay for their own connections was still being negotiated.
- Engineering studies estimate that the lake could sustain 1000 water connections; there were currently around 650. The developer was proposing an expansion of 25%. The lake was not at capacity and could sustain the additional increase.
- The people living around the lake would have influence on the lake so their being part of the drinking water system would give them a vested interest in keeping the lake protected.
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee supports the proposed expansion of the Cove Bay Water system to encompass the proposed Grafton Lake Lands development in accordance with the Local Service Area Expansion Policy.
March 28, 2017 – Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water Local Advisory Committee support the amendments of the Grafton Lake Lands application including the removal of development in the north and west side of Grafton Lane and the proposed Dedication of the land for the water treatment plant.
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee supports the limited development within the Grafton Lane Catchment Areas as described in Bylaw No. 440, 2017.
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee request additional information on the management of storm water and sanitary sewers within the catchment area.
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee request that as a condition of the rezoning the applicant provide a monitoring plan to measure water quality impacts from stormwater and sanitary sewer systems from the Grafton Lane Development.
It was Moved and Seconded
Whereas the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee has reviewed the proposal submitted by Opus International regarding pilot treatment testing,
Therefore, it can be resolved that the Committee recommend that Council approve the proposed.
It was Moved and Seconded
That the Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee will consider recommending that Council engage the services of an independent water treatment quality expert to review the results of the pilot treatment study and other relevant information.
Public comments
Public comments received up to and including the first Public Hearing held December 4, 2017:
Andrew Rennison, dated November 29, 2017
Peter Frinton, dated November 30, 2017
Mark Edmonds, dated November 30, 2017
Ali Osborne, dated November 30, 2017
Bruce Russell, dated November 30, 2017
Bill Granger, dated November 30, 2017
Diane Meal, dated December 3, 2017
Janet Esseiva, dated December 4, 2017
Diane Meal, dated December 4, 2017
Public comments from Open House held on May 2, 2017:
- Melissa Rahne
- Greta Smith
- Jen McIntyre
- David Riddell
- Jack Little
- Murray Atherton
- Jonathan Bell
- Tom Matzen
- Jane Boddy
- Jane Ferguson
- Christine Miller
- Alfred Rahn
- Frazer Elliott
- Mark Edmonds
Associated information
Minutes of the Public Hearing held December 4, 2017
May 3, 2017 – Response from Islands Trust – Briefing Note.
Base bylaws being amended
Copies of base bylaws are available at Bowen Island Municipal Hall.