Use of Bows Bylaw and Application

  • Per Section 11 of Schedule 5 of the Wildlife Act, no shooting is permitted on Bowen Island.
  • Only longbows or recurve bows are permitted for hunting (no compound bows or crossbows).
  • Bow hunting is permitted on private property only, with owner’s written permission and subject to restrictions based on proximity to dwellings, infrastructure, etc.
  • No bow hunting is permitted on Crown Land on Bowen Island.
  • Hunters must submit a completed application to Bylaw Services, and be vetted by the RCMP.

The Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis for our region, includes the following information specific to Bowen Island:

Bowen Island No Hunting Area (MU 2-16) – within 150m of any public highway, school building, school yard, public park, playground, church, workshop, place of business, dwelling house or farm building
Bow Only  Bucks               Sept 1 – Dec 15                 Bag limit 3(2)
Bow Only  Antlerless       Nov 5 – Dec 5                                      3(2)
Bow Only  Either Sex       Jan 1 – Jan 15                                   3(2)

Hunting on Crown land

Hunting is not permitted on Crown land on Bowen Island.  The Province’s Land Use Permission Policy  governs public access to and activities on Crown land.  Hunting is a permitted activity on Crown land in BC under certain conditions.  However, Section 7.1 of the Policy states that activities such as hunting cannot take place on Crown land that lies within a Municipality.

Bowhunting is therefore prohibited on Crown land, Metro Van parks, BIM parks, nature reserves, etc.

Questions? Contact Bylaw Services by email or by phone 604-947-4255 extension 2.