Bowen Island Municipality is once again offering grants of up to $500 to residents, community groups and businesses for small scale projects that will keep Bowen beautiful. The grants are intended to foster civic pride, environmental responsibility and beautification through community involvement.

An Innovation Grant helped to fund upgrades to Xenia’s labyrinth in 2017.
Who is eligible to apply?
Any Bowen Island resident (of any age), community group, or business.
What type of project is appropriate?
All sorts! Be innovative. Projects should be small scale, achievable in a few months, relate to the evaluation criteria, and benefit the community. For 2018, projects on public or commercial space anywhere on the island will be eligible. Some examples:
• A spark of colour: you’re a painter and want to paint a door or two – a project for an individual
• A cleaning bee: you’d like to clean up your neighbourhood – a project for a community group
• A floral display: you’d like to help improve your curb appeal – a project for a Bowen business
• A welcome flowerbed – a project for a school group
• A public art work – a project for a group of artists
How much money is available?
Up to $500, with most grants at the $250 level. The grant must be matched (in cash or in-kind service/goods). Multiple grants may be awarded, up to a total of $5,000 for the program.
Who decides who gets a grant?
A judging team of three (a councillor, a municipal staff person, and a committee member).
How are the applications evaluated?
Grant applications are evaluated on the basis of their contribution to community tidiness, environmental action, heritage conservation, landscaping, floral displays, and public art.
How do I apply?
Download and print the application form. Scan and send by email to Use “Innovation Grant” as your subject line. Or drop off your form at municipal hall.
Can I apply more than once?
Yes, but submit your project descriptions separately.
I received a grant last year. Can I apply again?
Yes, but new applicants will receive priority.
What is the deadline?
May 25, 2018. Winners will be notified in June.