We asked islanders for their environmentally friendly tips for keeping warm in the ferry line-up and here’s what they said:

  • Keep a blanket in the car
  • Bring a hot water bottle
  • Hot drink from local cafe
  • Mitts and hat
  • Go for a bracing walk
  • Snuggle
  • Electric vehicle

We can all help to reduce the emission of smoke and fumes that contaminate the atmosphere, even when it’s cold outside.

We have bylaws to support this including an anti-idling bylaw which says no idling of vehicles or boats for more than one minute of each hour. Of course, there are exceptions and these include but are not limited to:

  • Emergency vehicles or emergency situations
  • Armoured vehicles
  • Parades
  • While passengers and embarking or disembarking
  • When the ambient outside temperature is more than 30 C or less than 0 C

See the Anti-Idling Bylaw No.210, 2008