Emergency Support Services (ESS) provides short term assistance to British Columbians who are forced to leave their homes because of fire, floods, earthquakes or other emergencies. Assistance may include food, lodging, clothing, emotional support and family reunification services. ESS may also provide specialized services such as first aid, child minding, pet care and transportation. More information about this Provincial program is available on the Province of BC’s website.
Typically a reception center would be set up as a central base for evacuees in the event of an emergency that forces people from their homes. This could be a school gym, church or any other large building in the community that would be a safe place for people to gather. A list and map of potential Bowen Island Reception Centres is available here. It is critical that you check the municipal website and/ or listen to local radio during an emergency to determine which reception centre(s) have been opened. Please contact the Emergency Program Coordinator if you have questions or concerns about Reception Centres.
ESS is available for 72 hours. During the first 72 hours, evacuees should immediately plan their next steps by contacting their insurance agents, families, or local non-profit agencies.
ESS is based on volunteerism and is dependent on the willingness of individuals in the community to help plan for the wellbeing of their neighbors in the event of a disaster. Although ESS is designed to provide services to individuals affected by large complex disasters or emergencies, ESS may also be provided during smaller emergencies; for example, a single house fire or emergencies affecting 1 or 2 families in a community.
If you are interested in reading the Bowen Island Emergency Support Services Plan, it is available here.
Spotlight on Volunteers
Carolyn McDonald, ESS Director
Edward Wachtman, NERP co-lead coordinator
Amanda Ockeloen, AED maintenance team
Jeanine Ziolkoski, ESS volunteer
Bruce Steele, ECT Lead, retired
In the News
Bowen Island Undercurrent article “Bowen ESS member answers volunteer call after B.C. fire“
ESS and NERPS commit to work together
ESS Monthly Meetings
ESS meets on a monthly basis, currently hybrid. All are welcome, please contact the ESS Director and let us know you’re coming!
Emergency Support Services (ESS) is seeking volunteers!
Throughout the province, thousands of ESS volunteers train and prepare so that when an emergency or disaster affects their community they are ready to help. ESS volunteers are trained to provide for the immediate needs of evacuees and emergency responders affected by an emergency or disaster. Services provided by ESS include food, clothing, lodging and family reunification. ESS volunteers also gain valuable personal preparedness skills, which can assist them and their family in times of a disaster.
Both the municipal government and the provincial government play an important role in planning for ESS, but the real recognition must go to the volunteers who prepare for a disaster on an ongoing basis. The dedication ensures that when a disaster strikes our community there are people trained to help make a difference.
The Bowen Island ESS Team has a solid base of dedicated volunteers, however as people move and family obligations change, there is always a need for more energetic and enthusiastic individuals to join the ESS team. The qualities necessary in an ESS volunteer include:
• A concern for people affected by disaster
• Good communication skills
• Ability to work well in a team
If you interested in becoming an ESS volunteer, the Bowen Island ESS Team would like to hear from you. Download a volunteer form and submit it by e-mail to BowenESS@bimbc.ca.
Request a criminal record check using this access code: KN9DPE4RQ5 from the province.

Emergency Support Services (ESS) Suppliers – Bowen Island
Bowen Island’s Emergency Plan relies on local businesses and organizations to provide critical support during emergencies where residents may be displaced (e.g., house fires or larger disasters). The ESS program offers food, accommodation, transportation, and incidentals for up to 72 hours—or longer if needed. To ensure a swift and effective response, we partner with dedicated Suppliers who agree to assist during emergencies.
Become an ESS Supplier
We invite businesses and organizations to join our ESS Supplier Consent Program to help our community during emergencies. Key program features include:
- Variety of Needs: Suppliers of lodging, food, transportation, and other goods/services are welcome.
- Pre-Enrolled Partners: Suppliers sign a consent form to indicate willingness to support ESS during emergencies.
- No Obligation: Participation is voluntary, and there are no negative consequences if a Supplier cannot assist at a given time.
- No Cost to Join: Becoming an ESS Supplier is free of charge.
- Fair Compensation: Goods and services are reimbursed by the Province of British Columbia.
- Recognition: Participating businesses can display “Proud to Support ESS” signage to highlight their community contribution.
Supplier Consents are reviewed regularly to ensure readiness. If you’re interested in supporting Bowen Island’s ESS program, please contact us for more details or to sign a Supplier Consent form.
Email: BowenESS@bimbc.ca
ESS Director: Carolyn McDonald
Help us strengthen Bowen Island’s emergency preparedness—your support makes a difference!
Pet Preparedness
ESS encourages residents to prepare for emergencies, and that includes our pets!
- PreparedBC – Prepare for Your Pets
- Are you ready? flyer – pets
- Disaster preparedness for horses
- Horse/ livestock evacuation resource list registration form
- Are you ready? flyer – horses
For more information, please contact:
Carolyn McDonald
Bowen Island ESS Director
604 947-2517
Tess Taylor
Emergency Program Coordinator
604-947-4255 ext. 245