Project Updates

Council directed staff to hire Liberty Contract Management at a cost of $27,612 to complete a fixed price Design-Build proposal for the Public Works Service Yard Upgrade Project. See the staff report

At the January 30, 2023 Special Council meeting, Council replaced their decision from the January 23, 2023 Regular Council meeting with the following:

  • Staff source alternate interim lunch, office and washroom space for public works staff and present back to Council on February 27;
  • That the proposed service yard upgrades finances be included in the 2023 budget process;
  • That the financial considerations be referred to the Finance Advisory Committee for comment as part of the 2023 budget process;
  • That staff organize a site visit for Council to review the state of existing facilities and the required improvements, including the Mount Gardner and Athletic Park works yards.

At the January 23, 2023 Regular Council meeting, Council approved the expenditure of up to $190,000 to complete the detailed design, cost estimates, environmental monitoring, assessment and permitting for the Public Works Service Yard Upgrades, in advance of the 2023 budget approval process.

230123 Staff Report to Council

Works Yard 1
Front view of works building showing storage area on the left and lunch & gear room on the right.


The current Public Works Yard was constructed in the late 1950’s. It is the primary base for 10 full time employees, and increases to 12 during the summer. The service yard is in very poor condition, significantly undersized for operational requirements including the safe storage of materials and equipment, there are contaminated site concerns, significant rodent damage to gear and the building, and and the site presents multiple health and safety concerns for staff.

In 2021, Council approved the inclusion of $250,000 in the 2021 Capital Budget to complete design
and environmental assessment. A Request for Proposals was issued, and a consultant team led by
Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd. was engaged to complete the design, develop
cost estimates, and prepare tender documents. Design progressed to approximately the 50% stage,
and Class C cost estimates were developed for the upgrades. In early 2022, the project was put on
hold due to budget risk and impacts of failing infrastructure, particularly the uncertain cost of the
Trunk Road storm sewer system replacement. The completion of the design was not included in the
2022 Capital Budget, and now needs to be advanced in 2023. The remaining cost for the
completion of detailed design and tender documents is expected to be $90,000.

There have been many design iterations with the consultant team and BIM staff, primarily focused
on limiting costs while still achieving project requirements. This value engineering process will
continue through the remaining detailed design phase.

Works Yard 3
Aerial view of the Public Works Yard.