Bowen Island Municipality (BIM) and our island need people like you to dedicate your valuable time and skills to improve the wellbeing of our community. Volunteers help preserve our Bowen Island values ensuring their persistence into the future.
Creating opportunities for community pride, connection with neighbours, and personal enjoyment.
As a volunteer you are a part of a special group of people who make an invaluable contribution to our community by sharing your time and skills.
We recognize the essential role that volunteers, and volunteerism plays in building a healthy, caring and vibrant community and contributes to the health and well-being of islanders.
Thank you for sharing your skills, energy and time with us.
BIM works with volunteers in the following program areas:
- Emergency Program
- Parks, Environment and Climate Action
- Invasive species management
- Restoration events
- Shoreline and road-side clean-ups
- Small-scale climate action initiatives
- Recreation and Community Services
- Committees that advise Council
- Bowen Island Fire Rescue
- Bowen Island Library
Volunteer Handbook
Because the programs we deliver throughout the community depend upon the reliability of our volunteers, volunteer attendance is expected to be dependable.
If you are unable to report to volunteer, or if you will arrive late, please contact your BIM representative as soon as possible so they can arrange for someone else to cover your position if necessary.
If required, BIM will provide training and materials required to fulfill your volunteer duties. As a volunteer you will receive a clear description of your role and what it entails, in addition to an orientation to the role before the commencement of your volunteer assignment.
If you encounter a task or a piece of equipment that you are unsure of or have not been trained to use, please contact your BIM representative so they can show you how to carry out the assigned task properly and safely or use the piece of equipment.
You may use many different types of equipment during your volunteer work with BIM. This equipment may range from a photocopier to lifejackets and emergency equipment, etc. It is important that you model proper and safe use of all equipment to minimize risk of injury to yourself or others. If you encounter a piece of equipment that is out of order or not functioning properly please place a sign on it to notify others that it is out of order and contact your BIM representative or a BIM employee as soon as possible.
Criminal Record Checks
Depending on the nature of your volunteer role, (specifically if you are working with vulnerable populations, children or handling money) you may be asked to complete a criminal record check before you begin working. Criminal record checks are completed free of charge and any information gathered from the check will only be shared with individuals who require the information.
Volunteer Registration and Agreement
You will be required to complete a volunteer registration form and volunteer agreement, and to sign in/out at any particular event. Any information gathered will be securely stored and only shared in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Incident or Accident Reporting
Your BIM representative may provide a logbook that is used to record any incidents or accidents that occur while you are on duty. If an accident or incident happens while you are volunteering, you are asked to document it as soon as possible with as much detail as you can. Please do not to record incidents or accidents later as you may forget or overlook important details.
Privacy and Confidentiality
As a volunteer, you may be privy to information regarding BIM, and/or other parties that is confidential in nature. Such information cannot be shared with anyone who does not have direct association with a particular transaction. Volunteers are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
If someone outside BIM or outside your volunteer crew questions you regarding information you believe to be confidential, politely refer them to your BIM representative. No volunteer is permitted to remove or make copies of any records, reports or documents without prior approval.
If you are given a volunteer identification tags or volunteer t -shirts/high visibility vest, please ensure that these are always worn when volunteering. These items make it easy for the public, and staff members to identify you as a volunteer.
Insurance Coverage
BIM has insurance coverage if volunteers are injured while on duty. To be covered, volunteers must be registered, directed and supervised by a BIM representative, and working in a location approved by the BIM representative. You may be required to check in/out while performing activities.
Click here for a summary of what is typically covered by volunteer insurance products.
Coverage under our insurance plans has limitations to those over the age 65 and over the age of 80. Volunteers are not covered by Workers’ Compensation.
Terms of our insurance policies change year to year. For specific policy details including policy wording, please ask your BIM representative.
Resignation or Termination
Should you wish to resign from your volunteer position with BIM, please notify your BIM representative as far in advance as possible. At the end of your volunteer service, please ensure that you return any volunteer identification that you were given by your BIM representative. If you would like a reference letter, feel free to request it from your BIM representative.
BIM representatives have the authority to dismiss a volunteer if they fail to comply with the established policies and regulations or if doing so is in the best interest of the public, other volunteers, the facility, or the volunteer themselves.
Working around moving vehicles
You might be asked to do other tasks that require you to be around moving vehicles while you are volunteering. In cases where you are working around moving vehicles, you will be supplied with a reflective, fluorescent yellow or orange vest that must be worn while you are on duty for your own personal safety.
Working Outside
If you are required to work outside while volunteering for BIM, ensure that you are adequately prepared for the weather. If you are going to be out in the sun remember to wear a hat, sunscreen, and to bring lots of water to drink. If you are going to be outside in the rain or cold remember to wear gloves, lots of layers of clothing and a top layer that is waterproof. If you have allergies to e.g., insect stings, you must carry EpiPens or other anti-allergy medicines at all times while volunteering.
Sharp or hazardous items
If one of your volunteer duties is to collect beach garbage, tidy washrooms, or any other task that may require you to handle materials that could puncture, abrade, irritate, or cause infection to your hands or arms you will be provided with protective gloves and possibly other equipment to prevent such harm. Make sure you always wear this protective equipment while performing your duties. If you come across potentially bio -hazardous items while on shift it is important that the item not be left alone while the volunteer or staff member seeks help. Stay with the item while another volunteer or staff member collects cones or signs to block off the area surrounding the item. Once the area is blocked off, contact your BIM representative immediately so that they can arrange for a qualified individual to dispose of the item properly and safely and/or clean the area.
Garbage Handling
When you notice a garbage can is full, never push down the garbage, as you may accidentally contact broken glass or other sharp objects. Always wear gloves when dealing with garbage.
Emergency Procedures
BIM volunteers work in a variety of locations and facilities. Your BIM representative will review emergency and evacuation procedures with you during your training. Regardless of where you are working, it is important that before you start working you are familiar with earthquake procedures, fire and evacuation routes along with:
- All exits at the facility
- All fire alarm pulls and fire extinguishers (and how to use them)
- First-Aid Kit locations
- Phones/radios and battery -operated lights
Here are some general procedures to be aware of for some possible types of emergencies that could occur while you are working. Please be sure to ask your BIM representative for more detail or to clarify any questions you may have.
Minor Injuries
A minor injury can be treated by a qualified volunteer or BIM representative. Regardless of how minor an injury appears to be make sure it is documented after the injured person has been treated. Offer the person the option of calling someone to come and pick them up or to rest before returning to their activity or duty.
Serious Injuries
- State your name, location, address, and phone number.
- Describe the victim’s injuries as clearly as you can
- Arrange for the ambulance to meet a designated person upon their arrival who will lead them to the victim’s location
- Wait until the operator has hung up the phone before you hang up as they may have additional information/directions for you
- While waiting for emergency services, comfort the victim and record all necessary information.
- When the ambulance arrives, provide the paramedic with all the appropriate medical and emergency contact information for the victim.
- Contact your BIM representative immediately as well as the emergency contact of the victim.
- Complete an Incident Report Form and forward a copy to your BIM representative.
As a volunteer at Bowen Island Municipality, you play a vital role in supporting our community and contributing to its well-being. To ensure a positive and productive experience for all, we expect volunteers to adhere to the following code of conduct:
- Respect for All Individuals: Treat all individuals with dignity, respect, and kindness, regardless of their background, beliefs, or opinions.
- Professionalism: Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. This includes being punctual, reliable, and adhering to the guidelines and instructions provided by municipal staff.
- Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained during your volunteer activities. Do not disclose any confidential or proprietary information without proper authorization.
- Integrity: Act with honesty, integrity, and transparency in all interactions. Avoid engaging in any behavior that could compromise the trust and reputation of the municipality.
- Safety: Prioritize the safety and well-being of yourself and others. Follow all safety protocols and guidelines provided by the municipality, and report any unsafe conditions or incidents immediately.
- Accountability: Take responsibility for your actions and decisions as a volunteer. If you encounter any challenges or make mistakes, communicate openly and seek guidance or assistance as needed.
- Teamwork and Collaboration: Work collaboratively with fellow volunteers, municipal staff, and community members to achieve common goals. Value diversity of perspectives and contribute constructively to discussions and projects.
- Responsible Use of Resources: Use municipal resources, equipment, and facilities responsibly and efficiently. Report any misuse, damage, or loss promptly to the appropriate authorities.
- Compliance with Policies and Regulations: Familiarize yourself with and adhere to all applicable policies, regulations, and laws governing volunteer activities and municipal operations.
- Continuous Improvement: Be open to feedback and strive for continuous improvement in your volunteer role. Take advantage of opportunities for training, learning, and skill development provided by the municipality.
By adhering to this code of conduct, you demonstrate your commitment to serving the community and upholding the values of Bowen Island Municipality. Thank you for your dedication and contribution as a volunteer.