The following information is for the RGA use. If you would like more information on long term rentals, Bed & Breakfasts or commercial accommodations, please contact the Planning & Development department: planning@bimbc.ca
RGA use has been permitted as a result of the Short Term Rental Policy #19-05. This policy was informed by over six months of engagement to identify community needs and an appropriate regulatory framework.
RGAs are being permitted on Bowen Island to contribute to the accommodation sector and local economy. They are being regulated to ensure operator accountability and to minimize impacts on residential neighbourhoods and long term housing.
Read more about the Short Term Rental Policy development process
What is permitted?
According to the Short Term Rental Policy, RGA should be accessory to the principal use of dwelling. Therefore, RGA is defined in the Land Use Bylaw as follows:
“RESIDENTIAL GUEST ACCOMMODATION” means an accessory use of a dwelling unit, or a portion of one, that is ordinarily occupied as a residence, as temporary accommodation for a paying guest for a period of less than 30 consecutive days, and for clarity does not include a bed and breakfast, commercial guest accommodation, guest house, inn, or retreat centre.
RGA should be accessory to the principal use of dwelling
Any dwelling unit, including a secondary suite, may be used for RGA, as long as the unit meets the Land Use Bylaw definition:
“DWELLING UNIT” means a building containing sleeping and living areas and kitchen designed, used or intended for use as one residence.
Any dwelling unit, including a secondary suite, may be used for RGA
How is it regulated?
To address key community concerns, the following RGA regulations have been adopted:

- RGA is only allowed to operate a total of 120 days per year
- At least one on-site parking space per bedroom used for RGA
- Limit of 2 adult guests per bedroom used for RGA
- Only one booking at a time
- Designated individual must be available 24-hours a day to respond to complaints within two hours.

“DESIGNATED INDIVIDUAL” means a person designated as the primary contact for a Residential Guest Accommodation. The designated individual may be the operator or someone that is authorized to make decisions in relation to the premises and the operation of the residential guest accommodation.
To ensure operator accountability, a business licence is required to operate an RGA. Any advertising for the RGA must display the business licence number.
A business licence is required to operate an RGA
A business licence application for an RGA must provide proof of adequate insurance, as well as number of bedrooms, number of parking spaces and maximum number of guests for the RGA. Contact information for the Designated Individual must be provided to neighbours and guests and made publicly available on the municipal website.
For more information on how to get a business licence, visit the Business Licensing webpage: https://www.bowenislandmunicipality.ca/apply-for-a-business-licence

Watch the video recording of a virtual workshop explaining the process for licensing a Residential Guest Accommodation.