The Emergency Program plans for the response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters in order to help to protect the health and safety of Bowen Island residents.
The Program was created in 2017 through Bowen Island Municipality Emergency Program Regulatory Bylaw #428, 2016 (consolidated November 2019).
Emergency Program Organization Chart
Emergency Program Publications
Evacuation Plan, 2020
This plan provides BIM, response agencies & partners a practical guide to conducting an evacuation of all or part of Bowen Island. Please visit the Evacuation Plan webpage for additional information.
In an emergency, please follow instructions from Alertable or other official BIM pages.

Emergency Management Plan, 2020
The Emergency Management Plan for BIM was adopted by Council June 2020, and describes the structure and organization of BIM’s response to an emergency.

Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment, 2019
This research was undertaken in order to better understand the tsunami threat to Bowen Island.

Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, 2018
An HRVA is a foundational document that assists in planning for emergencies.

Bowen Island Emergency Guide, 2022
This guide was produced for residents and provides information on local risks, how to prepare for emergencies on Bowen and local emergency organizations.

Volunteer Spotlight
The Volunteer Spotlight is here to recognize and honour volunteers that work under the Emergency Management umbrella. Please check back regularly to read about another volunteer, or explore a different volunteer opportunity.
Carolyn McDonald, Emergency Support Services (ESS) Director
Edward Wachtman, NERP Co-Lead Coordinator
Rob Pineau, Emergency Communications Team
Jayne McMillan, Emergency Support Services, Reception Centre Manager
Amanda Ockeloen, BIM’s AED Maintenance Team
Jeanine Ziolkoski, ESS volunteer
Bruce Steele, ECT Lead, retired
Volunteer Organizations
Emergency Support Services (ESS)
Neighborhood Emergency Response Program (NERP)
In the news
ESS and NERPS commit to work together
Bowen ESS member answers volunteer call after B.C. fire
How last summer’s drought affected Bowen Island’s trees – Bowen Island Undercurrent
How Bowen Islanders can be prepared for wild fire season
Meet BIM’s new emergency program coordinator – Bowen Island Undercurrent
New radio repeater could eliminate Bowen’s radio ‘dead zones’ – Bowen Island Undercurrent
CBC: How do you evacuate all of Bowen Island? Municipality seeks plan to find out
Undercurrent: What happens when the Bowen ferry doesn’t run?
Undercurrent: BowENS will keep islanders informed in case of emergency
Undercurrent: Sacrifice trees to save your home: the necessity of firesmarting
Undercurrent: What would happen if there were a forest fire on Bowen
Undercurrent: Emergency shelter plan approved by BC Housing
Undercurrent: Extreme weather shelter a Bowen community success story
Other relevant regional plans:
Greater Vancouver Integrated Response Plan for Marine Pollution Incidents