Council has adopted Bowen Island’s first Transportation Plan to help realize the community’s 20 year vision of simple, seamless, sustainable transportation options for every Bowen Islander.

Download the Appendices to the Transportation Plan:
- Appendix A – Multi-Use Path Wayfinding Strategy
- Appendix B – Cardena Intersection Traffic Safety Review
- Appendix C – Age Friendly Community Project
- Appendix D – Annual Implementation Work Plan
Progress Reports
Following the vision and policies set out in the Official Community Plan, the ITMP will integrate planning for:
- Multiple modes of transportation
- Transportation and land use
- Demand management

The ITMP will be built upon a community vision to create a more efficient and sustainable transportation system for the island. If you live, work, or visit on Bowen Island, your feedback is valuable for creating a better ITMP.
Get involved! Check back regularly for upcoming engagement initiatives. You can also access more information from the Additional Resources below.
The ITMP project has five phases taking place over one and a half years:

Latest news
The draft Transportation Plan was introduced to Council on March 26th, 2018. The draft has been referred to committees and agencies for comment, and expected to be brought back to Council for approval in May.
Additional Resources
Stantec Report – August 10, 2016
ITMP Research Report (12 MB PDF)
Bowen Island Transportation Guide
Translink North Shore Area Transit Plan
Planning Healthy Communities Fact Sheet
Improving Travel Options Small & Rural Communities
Difference between Trails and Paths
Useful links
BC Ferries or download the BC Ferries app
ICBC Road Safety
Improving transportation in Small and Rural Communities-Transport Canada…
Bike Sharing – CycleHop…
Carpooling Spare Rides app launches in Vancouver…
Veemos – Part Car Part Bike…
Archived news
Research Report now available
The Integrated Transportation Master Plan (ITMP) project is nearing completion as we prepare to draft the plan. Building on the work of the previous phases, this report presents information on how to implement the ideas that have emerged to address the objectives of the ITMP. The findings of Phase 4 help to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these various ideas. Based on this information and additional public feedback, the ideas will be further refined and strategically integrated to create the final ITMP document.
Download the ITMP Research Report (12 MB PDF)
Bike to School: overcoming the barriers
The Integrated Transportation Master Plan project is hosting a viewing of the Active Travel to School Webinar Series. Learn about programs across the country that are better enabling children to bike to school, with presentations from several cycling skills educators and the opportunity for questions and discussion.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
9:00 am – 11:30 am
Municipal Hall
Transportation Master Plan update
The Integrated Transportation Master Plan project is hosting a public open house:
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
3:30 – 8:00 pm
Municipal Hall
It has been over a year and a half of engaging the community and researching best practices. Come out to see the progress! The transportation plan will be based on the findings to date and any additional feedback from the open house. The plan will be drafted in June and scheduled for Council adoption this summer.
April 4, 2017 – Last spring the community came together for a transportation workshop that developed many great ideas for improving transit on Bowen Island. TransLink has been working on those ideas and the community will see changes as of April 24, 2017! Service hours for the C10 Bluewater and C11 Eagle Cliff buses will be extended to 8:00 pm to meet the arrival of the 7:30 pm ferry in Snug Cove.
This is the first in a series of transit improvements included in Phase 10 of TransLink’s 10-Year Vision.

Read: PlanH article on the Integrated Transportation Master Plan.

December 19, 2016: After a successful summer of community engagement, we brought your concerns and ideas to a Council Workshop in November. With the additional feedback from Mayor and Council, the ITMP Project Team is gearing up for a busy winter of research and plan development. The first draft of the plan is expected to be ready for public review at an open house in early spring 2017.

Neighbourhood Meet-Ups: The ITMP Project is coming to a neighbourhood near you!
There will be a friendly meet-up to discuss transportation topics on the west side of the island:
Saturday, October 1st
10 am – 12 pm
822 Captains Way
The ITMP Project Team will bring background information, snacks and refreshments. You bring your unique perspective and ideas!

The ITMP Project is coming to a neighbourhood near you!

Throughout the summer, neighbourhoods across the island will be hosting friendly meet-ups to discuss specific transportation topics. The ITMP Project Team will bring background information, snacks and refreshments. You bring your unique perspective and ideas!
ITMP Receives PlanH Grant
The Integrated Transportation Master Plan (ITMP) has received a $5,000 grant from PlanH to help develop a healthier built environment. PlanH, implemented by BC Healthy Communities Society, facilitates local government learning, partnership development and planning for healthier communities where we live, learn, work and play. Working together with health authorities, UBCM and the Ministry of Health, PlanH supports Healthy Families BC, the Province’s health promotion strategy.
Earlier this month, the grant helped fund a successful Multi-Stakeholder Workshop with a focus on active transportation. The workshop brought together a diversity of stakeholders to share concerns, ideas, and possible improvements for Bowen Island transportation. The grant will also help fund ITMP community engagement events throughout the summer, as well as capacity and partnership building.

What will your life on Bowen Island look like 20 years from now?
How would you like it to look?
Bowen Island’s Integrated Transportation Master Plan (ITMP) is a long range plan that identifies and coordinates transportation priorities over the next 20 years.
The first important piece of the project is the Travel Snapshot questionnaire that was conducted in the month of April. The survey looked at travel patterns; how and why we travel both on and off the Island. Respondents were also able to share their thoughts about areas of improvement that need to be considered within the ITMP. We had strong public feedback – approximately 20% of households responded to the survey. Those that participated were entered to win fantastic prizes from Cocoa West, BC Ferries, Peter King’s Downtown Express bus, Cormorant Marine water taxi, Zoom Zoom Bowen, Translink Compass cards, and USSC parking tokens.
In the coming weeks there will be plenty of opportunities to engage, learn more, and have your voice counted. Islanders are in a unique position to help make the blueprint for the way Bowen Island moves forward in creating new and sustainable transportation options and to improve upon the ones that we have.
During the month of May, the ITMP Team held information sessions at the ferry docks, at the Legion Community Lunch and at BICS for a mini muni hall. There was also a stakeholder workshop held at Municipal Hall in June.
Phase 2 Wrap-Up
Phase 2 is now complete. Read the Background Report and Phase 2 Snapshot.
Contact Information
Phone: 604-947-4255 extension 6