Accessibility Advisory Committee

Purpose of the Committee

To provide advice and make recommendations to Council regarding accessibility planning for Bowen Island Municipality and the Bowen Island Public Library.

Committee Members

  1. Councillor Alex Jurgensen, Chair
  2. Robin Burger
  3. Angus McTavish
  4. Nick Moseley
  5. Kathy Pichora-Fuller
  6. Peter Williamson
  7. Jessica Gladysz, Canadian Organization of Blind and DeafBlind
  8. Councillor Sue Ellen Fast
  9. Drew Bakken, Island Community Planner (non-voting, Staff Resource)
  10. Tina Nielsen, Chief Librarian (non-voting, Staff Resource)

Other Staff Resources

Stef Shortt, Deputy Corporate Officer
Kristina Calli, Interim Human Resources Coordinator

To contact the Accessibility Advisory Committee, please email:

Governing Documents

Terms of Reference

Video Recordings

BIM YouTube Channel

Agendas and Minutes



Reference Documents

Canadian Academy of Audiology: Reducing Barriers for People Living with Hearing Loss During In-Person Meetings

Canadian Standards Association (CSA): Disability Inclusion Public Policy

Pichora-Fuller, M.K. (2019). Hearing Accessibility, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders (Jack S. Damico and Martin J. Ball, eds) Vol. 2, pp. 839-840. DOI.

Pichora-Fuller, M.K. (2019). Acoustic Ecology, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders (Jack S. Damico and Martin J. Ball, eds) Vol. 1, pp. 17-21. DOI.

Pichora-Fuller, M.K. (2019). Listening Effort, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders (Jack S. Damico and Martin J. Ball, eds) Vol. 3, pp. 1117-1119. DOI.

Canadian Website Accessibility Guidelines

Lighthouse Guild: Accessibility Guidelines for Colour Contrast and Print Legibility

Accessibility Delegations: Videos and Presentations

The Future of Hearing Accessibility: Auracast Bluetooth Hearing Aid Technology (May 6, 2024)
Jill Mecklenburger, Principal Audiologist, Global Audiology Group

Feedback Opportunities

  1. Website Form: Provide your feedback by filling out this form.
  2. Survey: Provide your feedback by filling out this fillable pdf.
  3. Phone Voicemail: 778-897-3296 (or ext. 600 to BIM’s 604-947-4255)
  4. Text Number: 778-897-0559
  5. Email Address:
  6. Mailing Address: 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, V0N 1G2
  7. Dropbox Address: Northeast Door (on the left) at 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, V0N 1G2