Public Comments

A 15 minute period of ‘Public Comments’ is scheduled at the beginning of each Regular Council meeting. Members of the public may speak on any item on the agenda.  The number of speakers may be limited due to time constraints, however Council will make every effort to hear all members of the public.

All open Council meetings are held in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, and broadcasted live via Zoom for electronic participation.

There are three options to watch or participate at a Council meeting:

  1. Watch the livestream on our YouTube Channel
  2. Join the Zoom meeting (instructions are on the agenda)
  3. At Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane

How to sign up for Public Comments

To participate electronically in the zoom meeting,

  1. E-mail the Corporate Officer BEFORE 11:00 AM at In your email, please include the following:
  • Subject line “Public Comment”
  • Name (first and last), telephone number and topic or agenda item.
  1. Get the Zoom meeting login information from the Council meeting agenda, and join the Zoom meeting.
  2. Wait for your name to be called during the public comment section.

To participate at the meeting in-person,

  1. Register your name on the speakers list, located in Council Chambers
  2. Wait for your name to be called during the public comment section.

We ask that speakers respect the time limit allotted by the Mayor and, if joining electronically, once finished to please mute your microphone and turn off your camera.

Written submissions accompanying public comment can be submitted to the Corporate Officer for inclusion in the formal record of the meeting.

Public Viewing Etiquette on Zoom

If you are joining the Zoom meeting but do not intend to speak during Public Comment or the Question Period (viewing only), we request that you view the meeting live from our YouTube Channel.

  • Silent viewing only, please do not interrupt Council discussion.
  • Limit background distractions or keep video turned off
  • If interruption is repeated, the participant will be removed from the meeting


Wearing a mask is a personal choice and you are welcome to do so at Municipal Hall. Masks are encouraged, but not required by public health.

Some tips for speaking during public comments:

  • Introduce yourself – your name and address would be very helpful and appreciated
  • You may address the Mayor as ‘Your Worship’ or ‘Mayor Leonard’; other Councillors may be addressed as ‘Councillor…” (e.g. Councillor Smith)
  • The Mayor or presiding member will let you know how much time you have to speak, based on the amount of speakers on the list for any given meeting

Appear before Council as a Delegation

If you would like to appear formally before Council, you may request to attend as a Delegation.  This may include making a verbal and/or an electronic presentation, or updating Council on a project, idea or concept. It is important to note that the purpose of a Delegation is for information only. Council does not make decisions on the presentation, although they may choose to direct staff to report back with further information.

The procedures for Delegations are outlined under Section 20 of the Bowen Island Municipality Procedure Bylaw No.529, 2020

The Corporate Officer accepts applications to appear as a delegation. Please send your application by 12:00 pm on the Monday of the week prior to the meeting you wish to attend. Applicants will be contacted, following agenda review, to advise on what meeting date the Delegation may be scheduled for.

Delegation Request Form

Send your request to:

Sophie Idsinga
Deputy Corporate Officer
Phone: 604-947-4255 ext 246
Fax: 604-947-0193
981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island

Public Hearings

How to submit your comments or attend a Public Hearing