Bowen Island Municipal Council is the elected decision-making body responsible for governing the municipality under the authority of the Community Charter, Local Government Act and the Islands Trust Act. All members of Council hold office for a term of four years.
The Mayor chairs Council meetings and is the spokesperson for Council.
The current members of Council are:
- Mayor Andrew Leonard
- Councillor and Islands Trustee Sue Ellen Fast
- Councillor and Islands Trustee Judith Gedye
- Councillor Alex Jurgensen
- Councillor Alison Morse
- Councillor John Saunders
- Councillor Tim Wake
How to connect with Council
- Attend a Council meeting
- Appear before Council as a Delegation
- Write to Council
Write to Council
The Correspondence Policy determines how correspondence addressed to Council is handled. Generally, correspondence sent to MayorandCouncil@bimbc.ca will appear on an upcoming Council meeting agenda. Please note that it may not be possible for staff to contact senders individually when large numbers of emails on a single topic are received within a short time on a single topic of public interest or concern.
Correspondence addressed to Council is added to a Council agenda and becomes public information. Your name and the content of your correspondence will be publicly available online, but we will remove your personal information such as e-mail address, address and phone number.
If correspondence to Council is operational in nature, it is forwarded to the appropriate department and staff member for consideration and response to the author, or for information. Where possible, written responses from staff are included on the Council agenda.
Any correspondence with abusive or discriminatory language will not be accepted. Anonymous correspondence will not be accepted.
By e-mail:
Please send your e-mail to mayorandcouncil@bimbc.ca, including your name. Your e-mail will be received by all members of Council and the Corporate Officer.
By mail:
Address your correspondence to Mayor and Council and send it to 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, BC.
Please be aware of the deadlines for written submissions to be included on a Council meeting agenda.
Governance Documents
Bowen Island Restructure Study (1999)
Islands Trust
Islands Trust Policy Statement
Islands Trust Protocol Agreement