Council provides direction to municipal staff who provide a variety of services. The Chief Administrative Officer and senior management team carry out Council’s decisions. They conduct the affairs of the municipality according to the law and enforce municipal bylaws and policies.
The current organizational chart shows paid positions and their full-time equivalencies within the municipality. The Personnel Policy provides information about the general employment practices and conditions.

Organization chart shows numbers as of December 31, 2023 for a total of 50 Full-Time Equivalents.
To provide for municipal functions and services, funds are raised through the collection of property taxes. Taxation is calculated in May of each year and is levied against land and improvements.
Section 7 of the Community Charter states that the purposes of a municipality are as follows:
- providing for good government of its community,
- providing for services, laws and other matters for community benefit,
- providing for stewardship of the public assets of its community, and
- fostering the economic, social and environmental well-being of its community.
Our Mission Statement
In carrying out its mandate, Bowen Island Municipality will work towards conducting operations in a way that:
- Improves the economic, environmental and social well-being for present and future generations;
- Encourages and fosters community involvement;
- Enhances the small, friendly, caring character of the community;
- Maintains an open, accountable and effective operation; and
- Preserves and enhances the unique mix of natural ecosystems and green spaces that Bowen Island possesses.